Upcoming events and dates

  • Term 3 - Monday 21st August 2023 (Week 5) - Pupil Free Day
  • Book Week Special Assembly, including Parade - Friday 25th August - 2:30pm
  • Footsteps - Fridays, Term 3
  • Swimming- 28th August to 1st September 2023 (Week 6)
  • School Photos - 7th September 2023 (Week 7), envelopes to be returned on Photo Day
  • Camp Quality: (to be rescheduled - date to be advised) Soon we will be lucky enough to have the puppeteers from Camp Quality visit our school to perform for our students. There will be a R-2 performance and a 3-6 performance. Details on the performances are below:
  • Term 4 – Monday 16th October 2023 (Week 1) - Pupil Free Day 
  • Term 4 – Friday 1st December 2023 (Week 7) - School Closure (Day of local significance) 

Please note - OSHC is available for Pupil Free Days & School Closure Day if required. Please book directly with OSHC staff on 8277 4486.