
Languages Week 2020

 3 to 7 August

Languages Week activities this year will be low key and remote friendly due to COVID-19. We are launching some exciting initiatives to encourage participation from senior students who are onsite as well as students learning remotely from home, during the week of 3 to 7 August!


Videogram Competition 

"How do you experience language/culture in any of the three languages offered at Kilbreda, in your daily life?"


For this competition we invite students to submit either a photo or a short video (no more than 15 seconds) of an activity that they experience in their daily life, which involves FRENCH, ITALIAN or JAPANESE language or culture.


We hope to see examples involving cooking, music, language and other creative ideas from our students, for which there will be prizes awarded in the areas of:

  • Creative
  • Funny
  • Unusual
  • Authentic

Please see poster for further details. 



# Linguasing 

We have named this activity # Linguasing  as it is bookended by two amazing elements – language and singing. 


Singing was chosen because it connects people in a special way. Singing leads to some surprising health benefits, not to mention that according to St. Augustine “to sing, is to pray twice". 


Singing and language are a compelling combination. Neuroscience and anecdotal evidence inform us that singing plays a critical role in language learning and many of us can still remember songs learnt at school and sung in other languages.


The #Linguasing  project is simple enough. Any student who likes to sing or has always wanted to sing can participate. We will provide lyrics and links to YouTube clips in the three languages – French, Italian and Japanese, for the song ‘Tomorrow’ from Annie. Interested students will need to upload a video of themselves singing the song in one of the languages, and segments of these will be edited together to produce a multilingual version of the song. We hope to share the final version of the song with the school community at the end of Languages Week. 


Participation in #Linguasing  is not restricted to those studying a language but is accessible to any student, across all year levels. It is a chance for students to step forward and get involved in a community project in the spirit of togetherness.


We acknowledge and thank Ms Tabacchiera and Mr Graham for their support and technical expertise offered to make this project possible. Specific technical details will be circulated shortly so we ask students to keep an eye out for SIMON notices, as entries for this project need to be received by Friday 31 July.  


Kahoot Quiz

Our two Student Languages Leaders, Belinda and Sofia, will be organising a Languages lunchtime quiz onsite for senior students and on Microsoft Teams for the Year 7 to 10 students learning from home. 


Students will be invited to join in at the Auditorium if they are at school, or on their laptops from home on Thursday 6 August at 1:15pm. More details will be posted on SIMON about this event, closer to the date.


We hope these opportunities will bring students together and provide them with the wonderful feeling of having fun with Languages. Enjoy!


Marlene Weberruss and Rosalie Padovan

Language Teachers