Whole School News

Thank You Teachers!

The teachers and staff at Rosanna Primary worked so hard to make online learning work over the past few months. Some parents from the community wanted to say thank you by shouting staff a hot drink from Davies St. Food Co. (previously Fretzy Cookie). If families would like to contribute, a tab has been created and donations can be provided by visiting the store during 8am- 2pm Monday to Friday until 24 July

Art Room Supplies Needed

Newspapers, Ice-Cream containers and clean Poly Trays (meat trays) are needed for the Art Room.  If you could send them along to school with your children addressed to the Art Room that would be great - Thanks!!


Students Of The Week 

Week 10

Prep K - Olivia & Cadie

Prep N - Aria & Sofia

Prep S - James & Wren

Prep/1 Y - Felix & Louie

1/2B - Evie & Siddharth

1/2K - Tammy

1/2R - Andrea

1/2W - Yusuf & Lillian

2/3A - Mason

3/4F - Rose

3/4T - Angela

4/5M - Rayyan & Jasmine

5/6M - Harris & Thomas

5/6W - Lilly

House Points

Green Grevillea!


Golden Wattle - 7 Points

Blue Gum - 3 Points

Red Waratah - 2 Points

Green Grevillea - 2 Points


School Photos