Religious Education


For the children who are currently enrolled in our Sacramental Program, the Sacraments are still postponed at this stage but we do endeavour to continue with them as soon as we can.  I hope that by the start of Term 3 we will have something in place or at least a further update for you all.  Thank you for your patience.


Due to the restrictions regarding COVID -19 all Mass and Liturgies for the near future will be cancelled.


A letter regarding the Parish from Father Andrew

Please read this letter regarding the Parish from the Administrator of the parish.

Prayer focus for June   

Pope Francis’ prayer intention for July is for Families.  


We pray that today's families may be accompanied with love, respect and guidance. Amen


From the mouths of babes - the Holy Spirit at work

At St Anne’s we encourage students to form opinions on big issues, linking these to our Catholic Social Teachings and our wellbeing programs. Sometimes the ideas and reflections that students share are incredibly powerful and show such insight, which is especially impressive from such young people. Below is a persuasive writing piece from Sophie in Year 4, which she wrote after ‘Sorry Day’ and what would have been an incredible discussion with her family! Well done, Sophie! 


Spread your message and change the world! ‘Discrimination? No way!’ By Sophie 

A few days ago, mum talked to me about something very important, which was that people discriminate. It is not OK. Mum asked me to watch a video of a class where their teacher was teaching them about discrimination and she separated them by blue eyes & brown eyes. The first day she said the blue-eyed children were better. They got to go out to play first, they got longer breaks, they got to drink from the bubble taps and the brown eyed people had to wear collars & they were not allowed to play with the blue-eyed children on the play equipment. The next day the teacher said the brown-eyed people were better & the blue eyes had to wear the collar & miss out on the things the brown-eyed kids missed out on the day before. Both groups got to see what it feels like to be discriminated against. After watching the video my mum asked me what I thought about the video, how it made me feel and how we can change the way people discriminate against people that look different whether it’s darker skin, or different colour eyes, or someone who is disabled. The video told me that people actually do this stuff to people that are different & it made me feel really sad & hurt that my culture would bully and discriminate against someone who’s different. It’s good to be different because if everyone was the same, the world would be really boring. The way we can stop discrimination is by standing up for someone that’s being discriminated against & telling the people that are discriminating them that it’s wrong & how would you feel if you were bullied and discriminated against? We thank our Aboriginal ancestors before every assembly. There is a reason. They are the original owners of our land & they looked after it, grew the trees and the flowers & we should be grateful for them. Australia is a multi-cultural country & we should accept everyone for who they are and celebrate all cultures. I mean who doesn’t love Indian food? Am I right? Haha