
Michele Hedley



Christmas is a time of giving. When we give to others we are giving people hope and showing them the love of Jesus.  This year the Social Justice Committee is supporting our local St Vincent DePaul Society by providing Christmas gifts for families in need in our local community.  Last year the response from our wonderful families was amazing and truly valued by the St Vincent’s society.  Your generosity made a huge difference to families in our community in a time of need.  These families were extremely grateful. 


Like last year, families who are able and would like to help are asked to buy one gift per family for a primary aged child. Gifts can be left at the office or in a student's classroom.

  • Gifts need to be at school by Thursday December 12
  • Please leave gifts unwrapped

Thank you for your support,

Social Justice Leaders

Wishing all our families a Merry Christmas

and a safe and happy New Year!

Christmas time is such a beautiful time of joy and hope which is extremely important for good mental health and our general wellbeing. 


As parents it is particularly important within all the celebrations and fun to help our children reflect on the blessings they have.  We can look for opportunities to develop our children’s understanding of appreciation and gratitude.  Research tells us that having a mindset of appreciation and gratitude has huge benefits for our mental health and wellbeing.


Thank you for your support,

Social Justice Leaders