Class News

Year 1 & 6 Happy HOLIDAYS

Saxon & Savannah are already on holidays and having a wonderful time in Spain and Portugal.  We look forward to hearing more of their holiday adventures in Europe when they return next term.

Year 5

Gratitude in Year 5

In the final week of the term 5MAc have been reflecting on everything we are grateful for. The students were challenged to look at all aspects of their lives and identify the main things they are grateful for. After doing this, they were asked to create a prayer about gratitude or a poem. Georgia and Sophie took it a step further and created a 'Gratitude Rap'. Next term they plan to turn their written rap into a mini performance. Attached are a few examples of the things Year 5 are grateful for at this time of their lives.




These are the words of admiration.



And celebration.

Nobody cares about the 


Make sure you have high expectations

For the upcoming celebration.

All you need to show is appreciation

For your country,

And your free nation.

So every time Mum tells you 

Make your bed,

That’s when

You nod your head.

‘Cause you’re lucky

To have a bed,

And a roof 

Above your head 

And that’s why you should show gratitude,


Credits to Olivia Poulus 

Who filmed this video for us.

Credits to Milly O’ Donohue

Who helped film this cool video too

*Drops Mike*


Christianity and the Early Catholic Church in Australia

Over the last few weeks Year 5 have had a closer look at Christianity and what its all about. The major discussion points centred on knowing that Jesus was a Jewish man and the religion of Christianity evolved after he died. Jesus in fact 'wasn't a catholic'. We looked at symbols of Christianity, the religion's origins and places Christians worship. The students created visual resources called 'Christianity for Beginners'. These included mobiles, posters, dioramas and even a 3D cardboard cut out of Jesus. These creations will be displayed upstairs in the Tilley building once the building works have finished.


The Year 5s also watched a documentary about the Early Catholic Church in Australia and the struggles Catholics faced as the colonies developed, particularly in Sydney. The students identified some of these struggles and created a fact card describing them. 


North Brighton Kindergarten Visits

Last week we had one group of Year 5s visit North Brighton Kindergarten to spend time with some of the 3 and 4 year olds. Over the past few years we've maintained a great relationship with 'NBK' either hosting their students at St James or visiting them at the kindergarten. Our major focus this year is to build relationships and encourage all students to show gratitude for what we have, and this includes having the chance to buddy up with a younger/older student.


Unfortunately one of our groups wasn't able to visit due to the poor weather but those students who did go spoke of their enjoyment of just 'hanging out' with the kindy kids, playing games, reading stories, playing outside and enjoying some creative play. Some students who attended NBK when they were younger clearly experienced nostalgia at being back in the building and this was fantastic to see. 


Next term the kinder kids will visit St James :)


James McMahon & Sarah Contin

Year 5 Teachers

Kindergarten Trip

Last Friday on the 21st of June, some of the Year 5’s went to visit the kindergarten kids at North Brighton Kindergarten. When we got there we had free time interacting with them. I played with a kinder child who liked to think he was Harry Potter. On the way back all anyone could talk about was what an amazing experience it was.

Doing this was exciting and gave everyone a good picture of what it would be like having a buddy, and I can’t wait to see some of them at St James next year.   


By Ruby U


My trip back to Kinder

On Friday the Year 5’s went to North Brighton Kinder and everyone had an excited buzz in their stomach. 

On the way there, I was wondering if the kinder had changed, or if the teachers had changed. But when we arrived, I couldn't tell any difference! The place looked the same from top to bottom. 

Back when I was in kindergarten, I loved to play in the dirt pit, the wooden boxes and pile of rocks which had snails in it and more. A difference I noticed at the kinder was that the boys played footy instead of in the dirt pit, but considering it had been raining, footy seemed like a much better option. 

My buddies name was Jack and he was funny, respectful and caring. I would love to see him next year. 


By Dylan P


A Visit to North Brighton Kindergarten

On Friday 5C walked down to the North Brighton kindergarten to visit the kinder kids. When we were there we played many different activities with the cute kids some activities included playing with dolls, bricks, in the kitchen, dirt pit, painting and more.  At the end the 'kindergarteners' sang the Year 5’s a song called The 3 little pigs. We all had so much fun, both the Year 5’s and the kinder children.     


By Mia B


North Brighton Kinder

On the 21st of june the year 5’s went to North Brighton Kinder where we did a meditation, played, made new friends and had lots of fun! Lots of people enjoyed meeting the little ones and here’s all the details of what we did at the kindergarten and more.

First Impressions

When we walked through the doors we all knew that this place is full of excitement and fun. We met the Red group, which was really cool and I think we should go there again as I recommend it for lots of fun experiences for your kids.


The very first activity we did was some meditation, we did lots of fun activities in meditation but my favorite was massages. What you had to do was line up, and start doing lots of fun messages on each other. Once we did all the practices we switched, turned around and continued to the other person. The next thing we did was finger breathing, which we went up and down our finger with another finger making it nice and calm, which was really nice.

Fun Activities

After we did meditation we had the choice of playing inside or outside with our kinder buddy. Outside they had an obstacle course, balancing beam and bouncy trampoline which was loads of fun. They also had a mud pit, garden and other outdoor activities. Inside there were so many fun activities like painting, Japanense writing, a wooden kitchen and many more creative activities. 

When we left

When we left I felt sad because we enjoyed our time and wanted to stay forever with the little kids. We hope next year fives enjoy the little kindies.


By Billie A