What we’ve been up to at OSHC!

Last week we were learning to  understand new and old technologies as well as how we can use them in our everyday life.  We had heaps of fun activities including playing with stop motion technology and our new OSHC coding robot, known as ‘Sphero’! Patrick and Harvey got very creative as they used recycled materials to recreate their own iPhone- how clever! We also made some unicorn cupcakes and pancakes. Yummy!

Early Finish Tomorrow

28 June          School finishes @ 1:30pm

                          Final Day of Term 2

Please book in advance for  early finish days so numbers can be catered for.

Coming up at OSHClub!

This week we are getting creative and exploring our imagination through our ‘Fantasy Week’ theme! Here are a couple of activities that we have planned:

We look forward to making new friends and learning new things through play and social experiences. As always there will also be a quiet time for homework, relaxation and reading.

Homework Club 

Mornings: 7.00am-8.15am

Afternoons: 3.45pm-4.30pm and 5.00pm-5.30pm


Below are some of our menu specials for this week at OSHC!

A platter of fresh fruit and vegetables are always served with our menu specials.

OSHClub Class Dojo

If you have a child who attends OSHClub, please take a moment to sign up to our Class Dojo. Through the application parents can view how their child is behaving and also peep a view at the fun things we get up to!

Upcoming School Holiday Programs!

As the term begins to draw to a close, it is time to start thinking about the school holidays! Nearby OSHClub Vacation Care Programs will run at St Joseph’s Primary School, Brighton Grammar and Elsternwick Primary School. A  new OSHClub Holiday Program is opening at St Joseph's from these holidays. Laura will be working at this program for the holiday period and would love to see some of your beautiful children there!


There are lots of awesome activities planned for these holidays including a trip to Super Zu at Elsternwick and St Joseph’s OSHClub, as well as an excursion to visit all the animals at Chesterville Farm with Brighton Grammar OSHClub.

To book, head to www.oshclub.com.au and login to the iParent Portal. See you there!

Meet the Team

We’re here to make OSHC the best experience possible. If you have any questions about the program or just want to have a chat, feel free to drop by, meet the team and see what happens first hand in the program. 

We look forward to seeing you and your family soon!

End of Term

From the team at St James OSHClub, we would like to wish all the families within the St James community a safe and restful winter break. Laura and Casey would like to thank the community for their continued support and we’re looking forward to seeing all of your smiling faces for a fantastic term three! 

From the Team at OSHClub: Laura and Casey