News from our Classrooms

Foundation News

Welcome to Term 4 in Foundation! It is hard to believe that we are now entering the final term of Foundation. The students have returned to school well rested after the holidays and quite excited and eager to continue their learning.


This term the inquiry unit is titled “What is your History and how do I know?” Throughout the term, the students will be researching their own short history and asking lots of questions about toys that their parents and grandparents played with when they were younger. They will be looking at objects from the past and finding out the origins of their names.


In Maths, the students are focusing on Time. This includes the clock and telling the time to the hour as well as duration of time over a day, week and longer.


Term 4 can be quite busy, but the students are up for the challenge. They are looking forward to Italian Day next week.


Just a reminder, that the students need a library bag when borrowing a book. Please make sure your child has one so that the books are kept in good order when travelling between school and home.

Year 1/2 News

Welcome back to Term 4!  It was lovely to see the 1/2 students chat about their holidays with their friends. 


During Week of Wonder (WOW) week, the students have been involved in many activities about what Speaking Appropriately looks like in the classroom, in the yard, at home and beyond.  They have been working with their buddies to discuss how they can speak appropriately to friends, family, teachers and other adults.  They have been learning how to use appropriate words to invite someone to play with them; how to encourage others and how to use appropriate words when disagreeing with someone.


In Literacy, students are learning how to answer literal and inferring questions in a variety of texts. They have been writing about how to speak appropriately to others.


In Numeracy, the students are learning to sort, describe and order Time words as well as estimating and measuring how long it takes to do something. They have been focussing on ways to feel safe and recognising what happens to their body when they feel nervous, scared or excited.

Year 3/4 News

Welcome back to Term 4, we hope you have had a restful and exciting holiday.


The students have returned back to school with enthusiasm, positivity and they are ready for learning. As we know Term 4 is always a jam packed and busy term and this term will be no exception. There have been a few notes sent home last week in regards to excursions, (Year level participating in the Mission Mass at St Patrick's Cathedral and Year 4 students visiting Penola Catholic College). Please ensure permission forms get returned back to your child’s classroom teacher as soon as possible. If you are able to join us for the Mission Mass we would love to have you! 


Below the students have shared some of their learning:


When recording data we need to make sure that we are accurate otherwise the data is incorrect. Sonya Mazzarella 3/4LM


Fractions are a number and then can be represented as decimals. Isaac Petrilli 3/4LM 


We collected data this week. I found out that mangoes are 3/4LM’s favourite fruit and having sleepovers are their favourite holiday activity. Thomas Vernal 3/4LM


When collecting my classes data this week, I found out that our favourite football team is Collingwood. Leah Sortino 3/4BF


I found out that 3/4BF’s favourite holiday activity was playing sport. Sanjay Culosi-Thiagu 3/4BF


I learnt how to order decimals from smallest to largest and that decimals are smaller than whole numbers. Luca Sportelli 3/4BF


I learnt all about confidence this week and how one of the keys to being a confident person is using positive self talk and “I can…” statements. - Jules Kisnorbo 3/4KD


I learnt that confidence is believing in yourself and not giving up - Dimitri Matsamakis 3/4KD


When collecting, representing and interpreting data this week I discovered that  my classes favourite type of chocolate is white chocolate. - Avia Di Bartolo 3/4KD.

Year 5/6 News

The students have made a super start to Term 4, the last term of 2019 and the last term at St Fidelis for our Year Six students.


So far this term, we have viewed the students being on task and learning wonderfully. A terrific trait that has been noted, is the positive way the students have been speaking appropriately and treating others with respect in the classroom and on the playground. Well done, 5/6 students, keep this up for the rest of the year and beyond.


We have a busy term of learning and special events including;

-5/6CJ assembly this Friday

-the Coburg District Cricket Day, Friday the 25th of October  

- the Christmas Night Market, where 5/6 students will be helping with the making of products and running three stalls, Friday the 22nd of November

-Year 6 Graduation celebration excursion to Bounce, Wednesday the 4th of December

-Year 6 Graduation, 6pm, Saturday the 14th of December.

This is just to name a few of the exciting celebrations and learning opportunities that your child will participate in this term at St Fidelis. 

Please save the dates to your calendar. 


Please see the curriculum outline attached to this newsletter with the areas of learning we will be exploring this term.


A friendly reminder, that the UV index is now high and for your child's sun protection they need to wear their hat. It is best, they leave it at school so they don't forget.