What's been happening
It is a brand new year at Cowra High School and a welcome back to our students and parents of Years 8 to 12. The numbers of language students continues to grow by the year as students and we look forward to seeing these students become fantastic language and cultural ambassadors later in the year.
For our new Year 7 students, however, they have begun learning about Japanese language and culture for the first time in their LOTE subject. Whilst some of these Year 7 students may have come home and told you how to say their name in Japanese, this week, students have had the chance to participate in a traditional Japanese celebration. This celebration is called ‘setsubun’ 「節分」.
Setsubun is a Japanese celebration that farewells winter until next December and welcomes the coming of spring in March. Normally held on February 3, many households across Japan participate in a common ritual called ‘mamemaki’ 「豆まき」 for their houses and one that our Year 7 students had the opportunity to do in the classroom!
The house is purified of bad spirits and energy by throwing beans out of windows whilst shouting the phrase “oni wa soto” 「鬼は外」, meaning ‘demons go outside!’ Afterwards, beans are then scattered around the house whilst everyone calls out “fuku wa uchi”「福は内」, meaning ‘good luck in the house!’ Lastly, an adult dons a demon mask and runs around the house whilst kids throw beans at them, once again shouting “oni wa soto” to shoo the bad spirits back out of the cleansed house. Everyone is to eat the same amount of beans that they turn that year for good health.
Cowra High School students had the opportunity to do this ritual at school with Mr Bates. Instead of wasting good food, students created paper ‘beans’ from newspaper. They sent the demons from B7 by shouting “oni wa soto” and throwing them out the window and then collected them to scatter around the room, calling out “fuku wa uchi”. Finally, students chased a mysterious demon from B7 with many paper beans and the cries of ‘demons go outside!’
The Year 7 students had a great time experiencing one aspect of Japanese culture this week and did a magnificent job ensuring no mess was made! Our Japanese student can be sure to look forward to more exciting activities in the future!
Interested in hosting a student from Japan?
For those of you who have been part of the Cowra High School community for a number of years, the words ‘Seikei High School’ will be well known. For those who have not heard of these words before, Seikei High School is Cowra High School’s sister school in Japan. This school is nestled in a bustling corner of Tokyo, nearly the opposite of our quiet, country Cowra.
Every year from this busy area of the world, we send one lucky Cowra High School student and receive a fantastic exchange student for an entire year. Additionally, every two years, about 20 Cowra High School students have the opportunity to visit Japan for two weeks and we reciprocate by hosting approximately 20 Seikei High School students here at Cowra for two weeks.
Many of those reading this would know a Cowra High student or ex-student who has visited Japan for two weeks through the school or lived in Japan on exchange, such Ashleigh Saunders, who was at Seikei last year or Juliet Williams, who is currently living in Japan. The fantastic opportunities these Cowra High School students are able to experience are similar to the amazing experiences our Japanese exchange students get to participate in here in Australia. Ryunousuke “Ryu” Akima, our current Japanese student from Seikei has only been able to enjoy such a fantastic year in Cowra due to the caring, open and selfless nature of the parents of our Cowra High School community.
These exchanges and visits that Cowra and Seikei engage with have created a deep and legendary relationship between the two communities. The Cowra-Seikei relationship is one of the longest running exchange relationship in Australia. Yet this relationship can only continue to prosper with the continued support of the Cowra High School community. Families to host the Seikei exchange student for a term and our visiting Japanese students for two weeks are always required.
We have been lucky enough and are extremely grateful to have several families who have already volunteered to host our next incoming student for a term each. However, we will always require families and students to build a preserve the Cowra-Seikei relationship. If you are interested in hosting, please see or speak to Mr Angus Bates or Mrs Megan Perkins at the school.
Vocal Camp
Congratulations to Zoe Budge on receiving a place in The Arts Unit Solo Vocal Camp 2019!
The camp in March will give Zoe the opportunity to work alongside students from all over the state with similar interests and develop their vocal technique and performance quality. Zoe will work in a group and individual setting and receive expert tuition throughout the week from industry and Department of Education professional tutors.
The camp only accepts a small intake of students across NSW and this is a massive achievement for Zoe. She has been singing for nine years now and has worked tirelessly with Cowra Singing Studio, studies Music as an elective and regularly performs at Cowra High School's Creative Performance evenings - Zoe is an outstanding performer!
The camp will conclude with a showcase performance at Parramatta Riverside Theatre on the Saturday evening, commencing at 7pm. All parents, friends and relatives are encouraged to attend the final concert. Tickets are $20 and will be available from Ticketek https://premier.ticketek.com.au/