Green Dot Treat Roster
Monday, February 12
Beardsmore & Kelleher
Monday, February 19
Billing & Scholar
Each week our students have opportunity to earn “Green Dot Treat.” When a student completes her goals (individualised classwork) she receives a green dot on her goal chart. Three green dots in the one week earns you green dot treat. This treat is handed out at lunchtime on the first day of the next school week.
We ask that parents take it in turns to provide the treat. This could be some great home-cooking such as honey crackles, jelly slice, or some other family specialty. We understand when parents need to purchase something ready made but please be careful not to provide something laden with artificial colours and flavours - no burger rings, twisties, cheezles etc. A plain chocolate frog or something similar is fine as it is after-all, a treat. Heavily processed foods though, with added colours and flavours, can have a very detrimental impact on many students. Feel free to call the school if you are unsure about what to provide.
Two families are rostered to supply the treats each week. Parents will be notified by email and/or sms via parent paperwork. indicating how many treats are needed (usually around 20 - 25). We'll put a reminder on this page in each newsletter. A complete roster can be downloaded below. Please ensure the treats are delivered to Reception by 12 pm on the day you are rostered.