Secondary News

Steve Venour - Head of Secondary

We have a had a full and rewarding start to the year. The speech from Jason He, our College Dux of 2022, set the tone as he humbly acknowledged the skills and support of others whilst challenging students to apply themselves, not because ‘they need the marks’ but because there is intrinsic worth in giving something of value your full focus and it is rarely done. 


There is a great deal of bustle to Term 1. We want the classes to start well, the students to develop good routines and be well oriented to each new subject. We are conscious, however, that for students, the start of the year is often dominated by the social unknown:  Will I fit in? Where are my friends? Are pre-existing friendships where I left them? Will I look silly in class?  


And this is compounded by the fact that students are not yet in the rhythm of the school week and so are often very tired – particularly if extracurricular activities are also launching the same time. So we step into the bustle with care and grace, allowing  the students to acclimatise,  gain confidence and gradually move to the business of learning.


The year 12s began the year in the city at Victoria University prior to the start of term. There they had the opportunity to reconnect, debrief the holidays and go through a series of sessions on learning, faith and character and the sort of culture they want to engender, as well  as having a tour of the campus. 


In the afternoon, the students broke into homegroups and engaged in activities around the city as a way of building a pastoral connection with each other and their homegroup teachers which we hope will be an anchoring support through the challenges of Year 12. 


Activities included bowling, Artvo, ice skating and indoor rock climbing. From a teacher’s perspective it was a fantastic way of getting to know the students and creating a positive start to the year.


Here are some other Secondary snapshots from Week 1.


Year 7 Transition 

Hannah McRae - Secondary Teacher

The Year 7's have had a terrific start to the school year! They got straight into things with morning homerooms, meeting their Peer Mentors, having their first House Meeting and finishing the week with a celebration barbeque as a year level on Friday. 


A lot of students have signed up for events in their first House Swimming Carnival, and are having swimming tryouts this week! The year level heads off on camp in Week 4, so over the next couple of weeks we'll be preparing the students for an exciting and enjoyable camp experience.


It was wonderful to see so many of them join their parents at the Information Night last Thursday. The students enjoyed a night of games and activities put on by the Student Leaders while the parents found out more about supporting a child starting high school at DCC.  


We are continually setting our students up to succeed by encouraging them to Honour God, Choose to Learn, Be Kind and Take Responsibility in the classroom and school yard. These values and principles will continue to be at the forefront of our teaching and community time as we journey through Year 7 together.

Year 9 Tripod Incursion

Rachel Arsenis - Year 9 Coordinator

Last Wednesday, Year 9’s participated in a full-day incursion that asked them to consider their role in community, and the idea of being a ‘team player’. 


Through a series of skill building activities, students considered common values that were held within their community and reflected on their own ability to collaborate in teams and actively contribute to community.


The day culminated with students forming groups to articulate a value that they felt was necessary for teams to succeed and flourish, and to present these values to their peers. Examples of values included teamwork, integrity, loyalty and passion.


One student reflected, ‘I enjoyed hearing about what values different people would like to see more and less of in this year level, and to share some of my own ideas too.  It was good to talk about values and community right at the start of the year’.


We look forward to seeing the students live out these values within our community!