Learning and Teaching News

Ms Jennifer Smeed and Mrs Roxanne Rosenberg

Research Guides


Across Weeks 2 and 3, we conducted school readiness testing for NAPLAN in Years 7 and 9. Can I please remind all parents to ensure that their sons are coming prepared for these assessments. There were several students who came without a fully charged laptop or corded headphones. Both are essential for the tests.  


The NAPLAN test will take place during Weeks 8 and 9 of Term 1 this year. It is integral that students try their best in this testing as teachers will use this data as a diagnostic tool to further improve their teaching in the classroom. It also gives parents a clear understanding of how their child is progressing in the areas of writing, reading, grammar and punctuation, and numeracy. Information regarding specific timetabling for classes will be released in Week 7.   

Maths Tutoring 

Are you struggling with Maths? Are you finding it challenging to keep up with classwork, assignments, or just need a different explanation of the concepts? Well, we have good news for you! 


Old Boy's tutoring is here to help you with your Maths needs. All boys are invited to attend and receive assistance in Room 401 every morning from 7:45am to 8:30am. This is an excellent opportunity to get help with homework, receive guidance with assignments, or just ensure that you are keeping up with the coursework. 


At Old Boy's tutoring, you will have the chance to work with Marist alumni who have excelled in Maths and can provide you with valuable insights and strategies to help you improve your understanding and grades. Whether you need help with basic concepts, advanced topics, or exam preparation, we have you covered. 


Moreover, the Curriculum Leader Mathematics is available at Old Boy's tutoring every Tuesday. This means that you can ask any questions related to the curriculum, get extra direction and guidance, or gain extra support on any areas that you might be struggling with. 


So, if you are looking to boost your Maths knowledge, we encourage you to come to Old Boy's tutoring. With the help of our experienced tutors, you can achieve your academic goals, improve your confidence in the subject, and even become a top Maths student yourself. 


We look forward to seeing you soon! 

Head of College Awards 

Mr Newman is currently visiting Year level and Primary Assemblies to present the Semester 2, 2022 Head of College Awards. These awards will be presented to the 2022 Year 5-10 students who, in Semester 2, achieved all A’s on their report card for learning behaviours. The names of all award recipients will be included in the newsletter once all presentations have concluded. Congratulations to all recipients of the Head of College Awards. 

Academic Care Interviews – Middle School 

The Academic Care Team are continuing to meet individually with students regarding their academic progress. During these meetings, the students will identify strategies to improve their academic performance. These interviews are for students only and take approximately 10 minutes. Boys and their parents will receive an email outlining the date and time. Can you please remind your son to attend these meetings as they are greatly beneficial for students. Communication from these interviews will then be shared with parents, teachers, and students to help the boy to succeed.  

Assessment schedules  

Assessment schedules have now been published to the Student Café and the Parent Portal. Your son is encouraged to download this schedule and transfer assessment dates to his College Diary.   


If a student has tested positive for COVID-19, Queensland Health recommends that they isolate until they have been fever-free for 24 hours, register positive RAT results and wear a face mask for 7 days after receiving a positive COVID-19 test result. Students who are absent from school should contact their Head of House and class teachers and access work on Moodle. It is important that any student requesting an extension on assignments due to illness have at a minimum, a letter from their parents (Years 5-9) or the registration of RAT results with Queensland Health or a medical certificate (Years 10-12).

2023 Calendar 

The College calendar provided to each family outlines the scheduled exam blocks across the year for students in Years 7-12. Please ensure you check these Exam Block dates before booking any holidays, as they are an essential and compulsory part of the learning process at the College. Leave is not granted to students during this time.  

Year 12 – QCE Health check 

As mentioned in the Year 12 Parent information evening, please contact Mr Adam Knight at knighta@marash.qld.edu.au if you would like to check your son’s QCE points. Of particular risk is any boys who have obtained “Unsatisfactory” results for multiple subjects in Units 1 and 2.

Year 12 Night Study Sessions 

The Night Study Sessions are weekly study times available to Year 12 students who wish to work in collaboration with their peers for assessment, complete revision, revisit classwork or work on external exam preparation. The Night Study Session recommenced at the beginning of February, further details outlined below. 


When: Every Wednesday during term time from 5:00pm-8:00pm 

Where: Senior Library 

Who: 2023 Year 12s only 


  • Current ID card is to be presented on arrival 
  • All students must sign in and out of the library 
  • All standard library rules are to be followed (including no eating) 
  • Normal student behaviour expectations apply; if these cannot be met, boys will be prohibited from returning to future sessions 
  • Students are free to wear full College uniform or plain clothes 
  • Students are free to arrive and leave as they see fit. Supervision is only provided in the library between 5:00pm-8:00pm. 

Students are to be in the library only. This is not a time for sport or social gatherings.   

A librarian will be on duty from 5:00pm-8:00pm to assist if required; however, these are not tutoring sessions. Students are encouraged to work collaboratively.  Thank you to Mrs Mary Stirling and the wonderful librarians for staffing these valuable study opportunities for our 2023 Year 12 students.

Study Hall – All Year Levels 

Every Tuesday and Thursday morning, teacher librarians in the senior library offer study hall sessions from 7:45am to 8:30am. These are designed to build the student’s capacity to study independently by teaching them critical skills for the first 15 minutes of the session, then offering independent supported study for the remainder of the time. 

Please find below the outline for the Study Hall for Term 1. We encourage students of all year levels to attend these valuable sessions. 

Week Focus 
Active versus Passive Study  
Avoiding Procrastination 
Using Cornell Notetaking 
How to prep for exams 
Exam Block