From Your P&F

Parents of Neurodiverse Learners

The P&F celebrates the launch of this new group, under the leadership of Michelle Lawson and Jennie Nowers. If you are interested in joining this group, please contact either Michelle or Jennie – both can be found in the ‘Marist Mums and Dads’ Facebook group. They can then send you a link to join the private Facebook group.

Upcoming Parent Functions

The P&F Parent Function for Year 7 is this Friday, with Year 8 on Friday 10 March.

Always a great night to catch up with friends old and new.

Sports Canteen

The roster for this week is:

Flats – Years 6 and 8

Grandstand – Years 10,11, and 12

Gym – Years 10 and 11


Flats Canteen (cricket):

Grandstand canteen (cricket):

Gym canteen (volleyball):


Please put your name in the Signup by Friday 12:00pm so we know you are coming, and don’t forget MATES!

Parent Council Meeting - Archdiocese of Brisbane

All Catholic school parents please join us in person or on Zoom for a parent planning meeting for 2023.


Thursday 9 March  |  5:30pm for a light dinner and 6:00pm meeting start.


Guest speakers include: Dr Sally Towns - Executive Director, Brisbane Catholic Educationand Dr Kerrie Tuite - Executive Officer, Religious Institute (RI)/PJP Education Committee.


This meeting is available to attend face-to-face or via Zoom and is hosted by Catholic School Parents Queensland to support our families in Catholic Schools.