From Parents & Friends

'Stay & Play' a P&G activity, 2022

Parents and Friends Association – who are we and how to join us

Thank you to all the new people who came along for our first meeting of the year.  It was an absolute delight to see so many new faces in the room and we welcome your enthusiasm and great ideas. 


We are planning some lovely community events for Term 1.  Look out for details soon!

About the P&F Association

The role of the Parents and Friends (P&F) Association is threefold:

·       to encourage and build community amongst families within our school through events and activities

·       to provide support for the school, its students and community, including raising funds for the benefit of the school

·       to work in cooperation with the principal, staff and school council in building effective partnerships between home and school


Annual General Meeting (AGM)

You are invited to attend our upcoming AGM on Monday 6 March in The Aquarium, the meeting room beside the school office. At this meeting all positions will be declared vacant and new people elected. For the past year we have had just three elected roles: President, Treasurer and Secretary.  We would love to expand this to also include: Vice President, Communications Lead, Graphic Design Lead, Prep Parent Representative and Technical Advisor.  


Please let current Secretary, Lucy Bond, know if you are interested in one of these roles and she can provide more information: 


The Parents and Friends Association welcomes any member of the school community who cares about our school and is willing to lead, or support, activities and events.  


Meetings are held at least monthly, but attendance is not compulsory (minutes are emailed).  


Stay informed about Parents and Friends

Facebook address: North Melbourne Primary School Events


Instagram address: nmpsfun


Join our 'Keep in Touch' list by emailing your contact to: