2023 Captains 

House Captains

Belle Prairie – Alice Kelly

Hello, my name is Alice Kelly, and I am the BP house captain for 2023. I’m very excited and determined for this year to be filled with fun house spirit and an increase in competitiveness throughout our house community. This year I want to strengthen the team aspect of our BP house by actively actioning our vision words of embracing, endeavouring, and celebrating. Further, I really want to see an increase in participation with passion and positivity which will improve the house spirit and together, we will be and appear as a more powerful and united house community. I also want to enforce the house motto of ‘BP Power’ which also explores and encourages the students to be competitive, spirited, and willing to be challenged. As well as to work hard and show passion towards our house goals which is important for us as a team. As this is what makes a powerful, strong and united team. We have a great year ahead of us and I know we can achieve our goals if we work together. 

Tia Kinghorn
Tia Kinghorn

Greccio – Tia Kinghorn 

My name is Tia Kinghorn, and I am grateful to have been gifted the opportunity of representing Greccio as House Captain in 2023. Since my first year of high school at Mount Alvernia, I noticed one thing about Greccio that stood out to me – our commitment to perseverance and involvement in every aspect. This really helped me settle in, and in a way inspired me to start my leadership journey during my middle school years. So, in considering that, if I could sum up my mission for 2023, it would be for you to immerse yourselves into the Greccio spirit and of course celebrate life. Participation and involvement are truly the fundamental to a fun and spirit-filled, thriving house. In Greccio, thriving does not mean we must win. Thriving means the action of being courageous and the willingness to share your gifts and talents with our house. For those students who may be interested in pursuing a Captaincy role, remind yourself that in light of the college’s value of respect in 2023, respect opportunities as they arise. Also, respect yourself by fulfilling your potential here as a student at Mount Alvernia. When you think you have pushed yourself past your limit, just remember that you have the best support (teachers, friends, leadership team etc.) surrounding you, so that when you fall, they are there to catch you. 


Charlotte Roche
Charlotte Roche

Perugia Captain - Charlotte Roche

My name is Charlotte Roche and I’m very excited this year to have the position of Perugia House Captain. I have been a student at Mount Alvernia since 2018 and my favourite part about my high school journey has always been involvement within my house. I have found that some of my closest friends are in my house, and that I feel a sense of belonging within it. I hope in 2023 to continue and push for Perugia to have that same feeling with every student.


My advice for those younger students wanting to pursue a captaincy role is to get involved and always put your best foot forward. This goes for all areas of the college life, academics, sporting, friends etc. To be a captain isn’t about being the best at everything but supporting those around you and making others feel welcome. Ensuring that you want to be a captain not just for the title but wanting to lead by example.

Caitlin Howard
Caitlin Howard

Rieti – Caitlin Howard 

Hi, my name is Caitlin Howard, and I am privileged to be this year’s Rieti captain. This year, my vision is to increase participation amongst all those in our Rieti community.  To achieve this, I will strive to get all Rieti members to be more involved and engaged in the Rieti spirit, our motto “Renew the heart” and our own theme “Rise with Rieti”. As Rieti captain I will strive to leave a legacy of a leader who is welcoming for all and encourages each member of our house to participate in any and every way.  This year, during our house gatherings, I challenge Rieti members to connect with someone they may not have before. This year is the year of Rieti and I truly believe – and I am confident – that as a house we can not only grow but work together to push each other to step outside of our comfort zone.

Sophia Nielsen
Sophia Nielsen

Spoleto Captain - Sophia Nielsen 

2023 has already started with a bang. I am so excited to be apart of the leadership team this year and represent Spoleto as their house captain. My goal this year for Spoleto is to ignite the Spoleto spark through showing respect and spirit in college life. I hope that as a community we can immerse ourselves into growing connections and reaching out of our comfort zone. I want to see Spoleto high on the podium in both carnivals, competitions and cultural fest. To do this, I aim to see everyone coming together to help ignite college spirit by getting involved and having go. For students who aspire to be a captain, I say go for it. Get involved in college life and put yourself out there cause high school goes so fast and you want to make the most out of it.

Amber Janas
Amber Janas

Villa Spada - Amber Janas

As a house captain in 2023, I plan to lead with determination, passion and reliability. I strive to lead with the enthusiasm and spirit that makes everyone proud to be part of Villa Spada. I plan to be there every step of the way, serving and encouraging each and every student to reach their full potential in all aspects of college life. Villa Spada to me is a family, and I hope to spread this feeling of family to every Villa Spardian. 

To any young student who may be interested in pursuing captaincy, my advice is to step out of your comfort zone and participle in everything you can. As well as to push through the situations where you may feel uncomfortable, because as Albert Einstein said, ‘a person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new.’