Year 8 Design Technology 

This week, we checked in with Year 8 Design Technology to see what they're exploring this Term. 

Our Curator of Gardens, David Pratt joined Year 8 Design Tech for a special hands on lesson that links to their 'Feed and Thrive' assessment. 


In the ‘Thrive’ component of the course students investigate landscape architecture by meeting with a client to identify their needs and want and developing a client brief. They research the existing features of the garden and creating a digital site map. Students will then research a variety of edible plants/herbs  to incorporate into their design to ensure their suitability for the growing conditions. Sustainability aspects are researched and considered for incorporation into future design plans.


Students in the ‘Feed’ component of the unit will also learn some basic skills in the kitchen, incorporating produce grown in the college’s La Foresta. In the below photos students are planting herbs which they will incorporate into their final dish design in a few weeks’ time. We look forward to checking in with them to see how their digital designs translated across to La Foresta!