What's happening?

Diary Dates
Monday 6/3 - Thursday 9/3 R-5 Swimming
Friday 10/3 PUPIL FREE DAY for staff learning
Wednesday 15/3 - Friday 24/3 NAPLAN for year 3 & 5 students
Thursday 16/3 Year 6 Aquatics
Friday 17/3 National Anti-Bullying Day
Tuesday 21/3 Harmony Day
Tuesday 21/3 Governing Council AGM
Friday 24/3 Ride to School Day
Friday 24/3 Assembly (V12, V16 & V20)2
Monday 3/4 - Thursday 6/4 3 way interviews
Friday 14/4 Assembly (P6 & P9)
Friday 14/4 Last day of term - Casual Day (2.00pm Dismissal)
Governing Council AGM & Nominations
We are currently calling for nominations for our 2023 Governing Council. The AGM and election of members will take place at 6.00pm on Tuesday 21st March 2023 in our meeting room (adjacent Front Office). Para Vista PS Governing Council meet twice per term - currently on a Tuesday night in weeks 4 and 8 and meetings usually run between 60 and 90 minutes, depending on the agenda. If you are unable to commit to Governing Council, but would like to be involved in a sub-committee or as a volunteer in another capacity, we would value your contribution too.
In 2023, we have 11 vacant positions on Governing Council, including office bearers. If you are interested in attending the AGM, or nominating for Governing Council or a subcommittee, please fill in the form already emailed to all families or visit the front office for a paper copy. Nominations close at 4pm on Friday 17th March 2023. We look forward to seeing you at the AGM and welcoming new Governing Council members for 2023.
Before School Supervision
Whilst our gates open early each morning for families to arrive, staff are not on duty until 8.30am. Students who arrive before this and don't have an adult with them are unsupervised. If you need to drop your child at school earlier than 8.30am on a regular basis, please book them into OSHC so they are supervised by an adult.
Covid Reporting
As Covid is still prevalent in the community, please remember to seek testing if your child is displaying symptoms. If your child contracts Covid, please let us know so that we are able to complete the appropriate notifications to staff, families and Department for Education who are monitoring cases in sites to ensure outbreaks are managed.
Premier's Reading Challenge
The 2023 Premier’s Reading Challenge is underway and celebrating its 20th year! To commemorate this milestone, an additional challenge has been offered to all students, “20 Years, 20 Books”.
Students can challenge themselves to read 20 books in 2023, instead of the usual 12. To qualify, students must read 8 books from the PRC booklist and 12 free choice books. Successful students will receive, in addition to their usual PRC award, a special 20th Anniversary certificate.
The “20 Years, 20 Books” challenge is optional and for this year only.
Students that do not wish to participate in the “20 Years, 20 Books” challenge can participate in the usual 12 book challenge. To qualify students must read 8 books from the PRC booklist and 4 free choice books.
Books from the PRC booklist can be found in the library and will have a specific coloured PRC sticker so that students can identify books appropriate for their year level.
All students have been given access to the student reading record forms for both challenges. These forms are used to record all the wonderful books they read over the year and must be filled out correctly with the book title, author and be signed off by a parent/caregiver, teacher, or school librarian. Once completed it can be handed in to the class teacher or to the library. If a student has not received a form, please speak to their teacher or alternatively, spare forms are located in the library.
Students that complete the challenge/s will be presented with an award/certificate at a PRC assembly in term 4 that celebrates all students’ achievements.
More information can be found on the Premier’s Reading Challenge website www.prc.sa.edu.au
It’s been fantastic to see so many books being borrowed already and students getting really excited about reading.
In 2022 we set a challenge for all students to participate and complete the challenge but unfortunately we didn’t quite get there. Is 2023 is the year for 100% of students to successfully complete the PRC challenge?? Definitely!! Let’s go Para Vista, we can do it!!
Happy reading,
Wonder Recycling Schools program
Para Vista is participating in the Wonder Recycling Schools Program.
We will collect plastic bread tags and bags and recycle them. Depending on the amount we recycle, will convert to reward points for school sports equipment.
A recycling box will be In the front office area to place your items in. It is important that items being recycled are not contaminated with other products and are as clean as possible.
Bread Tags – Plastic bread tags only
Bread Bags – Any bread bag or wraps pack (not limited to the Wonder brand). The rule of thumb is that if it has contained bread of some sort and is a soft plastic, then it’s a bread bag. If it hasn’t contained bread, then it’s not a bread bag.
How clean to the bags have to be – Bread bags should be free from crumbs to ensure no contamination during the recycling process but they do not need to be washed.
Hashtag for this initiative is #wonderrecycling