From the Leadership Team

Learning at Para Vista PS
Our year is off to a flying start and there is some amazing learning happening. All classes began the year with a program that allowed them to get to know each other, look at respectful interaction and behaviours, focus on learning with a growth mindset and establish class expectations.
To guide a common direction in learning and improve outcomes for students, teachers are focusing on our Site Improvement Goal of "Increasing the number of students meeting SEA and achieving/maintaining higher bands in reading". This means that we are ensuring that each teacher is considering the individual needs of all students and explicitly teaching reading in a consistent way across teams and the school, so that we increase student achievement. One of the ways we are doing this is by using Jolly Phonics/Jolly Grammar. The program uses consistent strategies which are introduced sequentially, building on
the letters and sounds in Reception/Year 1, and working towards spelling rules, grammar and literary devices such as alliteration and idioms in the upper primary. This is being used in conjunction with other teaching strategies in the daily literacy block.
Look out for an opportunity to learn some more about our SIP and Jolly Phonics/Grammar later in the term.
Autism Inclusion Teachers
Autism Inclusion Teachers are a new, nation-leading initiative which aims to build educator understanding and knowledge around supporting autistic children and young people. At Para Vista Primary School, Lauren Burton (P9) is our Autism Inclusion Teacher.
Autism Inclusion Teachers will assist teachers, leaders, Student Services Officers (SSOs) to:
• improve inclusive practices in their individual school community
• access evidence-based resources about supporting autistic students
• use contemporary strategies in teaching autistic students
It is anticipated that Autism Inclusion Teachers will first build their own teaching expertise, knowledge and understanding of autism through engaging in formal learning offerings and participation in the Autism Inclusion Teacher networks. To improve knowledge and practice across the school, Autism Inclusion Teachers will then be encouraged to share their learnings and resources with their colleagues to utilise in teaching autistic children and young people in their own classes.
Visit the Department for Education website to find out more about improving support for autistic children at:
At Para Vista PS, we encourage all of our students to attend school each day unless they are unwell. We understand that at times there are other reasons for absence including family holidays, appointments and cultural reasons. If your child is unable to attend school, please contact the office or send their class teacher a message on SeeSaw so that this can be recorded. When there are reasons for an extended period of absence (5 days or more), an Exemption Form needs to be completed to ensure we are meeting Department for Education requirements. We thank you for supporting us with this.