From the Principal

  • Reflection 
  • Liberate ourselves from our fears
  • School Advisory Council
  • Open Day - Saturday 18 March
  • Enrolments for Years 5, 6 and 7 2025
  • P&F Commencement Mass and Social
  • Key Dates


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate

Our deepest fear is that we are

powerful beyond measure.


It is our light, not our darkness,

that most frightens us.


We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant,

gorgeous, talented and fabulous?


Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.

Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.


There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking

so that other people won’t feel

insecure around you.


We are born to make manifest the glory of

God that is within us.

It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone.


And as we let our light shine, we

consciously give other people permission

to do the same.


As we are liberated from our own fear, our

presence automatically liberates others.


1994 Inaugural Speech of Nelson Mandela


As we commence our journey in the First week of Lent, we are encouraged by Nelson Mandela’s Inauguration speech by opening our hearts more fully and allowing our light to shine so that the light of others can also shine.  Let us liberate our fears this lent so that we can manifest the glory of God that is within us.



Blessed Edmund Rice - Pray for Us

St Pius X - Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our Hearts - Forever!

Liberate ourselves from our fears

At the Academic Awards Assembly last week, I addressed the concept of ‘potential’.  I stated:

What does potential truly mean?  The dictionary definition refers to potential as “qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success”.  Therefore, I believe that each student at St Pius X College has potential because potential (qualities and abilities) lives within each and everyone of us.  We all have the potential to do anything that we set our minds to. However, it remains only potential unless we ‘unleash’ our abilities and qualities.

Those students who received an award at our Academic Assembly, released their potential:

  • they pursued their personal best
  • they valued the feedback of their teachers and parents
  • they were engaged in the learning community
  • they allowed for teaching and learning to occur in the classroom
  • they looked for opportunities to engage in the life of the College, outside the classroom.

So, the question remains:

Have you unleashed your potential? 

If you haven’t, why not? What are you waiting for? What are you afraid of?


Ultimately, the young men who received an award were acknowledged because of their hard work, their belief and their faith in what was possible.


Therefore, as we start 2023, all students:

  • need to listen to the stories of our 2022, HSC High Achievers
  • need to listen to the stories of the Semester 2 Academic Award recipients. 

It is through these stories that we can learn to become better learners, better listeners, better people in our pursuit of our own successes. 

If we are truly committed to continually improving ourselves, we as individuals, MUST,

  • Set high standards
  • Meet the high expectations of our community
  • Build positive relationships especially with our teachers

Throughout this journey, we will be challenged, there will be disappointments.  We will be judged on how we respond to these moments and hopefully we can liberate ourselves to become better learners. Better listeners.  I am confident we can overcome these challenging moments and become the best version of ourselves.


Mohammed Ali (an inspirational boxer) stated:

“It is a lack of faith that makes people afraid 

of meeting challenges, and I believed in myself.”


Let us be inspired by these words, as we strive with confidence and indulge ourselves into the 2023 academic year. Each learner is encouraged to:

  • believe in themselves
  • have faith in themselves
  • work hard
  • be prepared
  • unleash their potential
  • and trust that the St Pius community is here to support them in their quest to have a successful year.

I pray that students take up the challenge and the opportunities, and like the 2022 Academic recipients, be inspired and liberated to achieve their personal best.

School Advisory Council

As we commence the new school year, I would like to introduce the members of the St Pius X School Advisory Council:


Chris O’Donnell (Council Chair)

Judy Black

Sarah Gillard

Evan Griffith

Bernadette Keating

Roger (Rory) Lonergan

Michael Ronchetti

Mark Sullivan

Braelen Zwart

Lisa Sutton (Secretary)


The St Pius X College Advisory Council is essentially advisory in its nature and directly responsible to the Edmund Rice Education Australia Advisory Council which is the governing authority for all EREA schools and their Advisory Councils.  There are three Advisory Council Committees – Finance and Risk, Property, Governance and Strategic Planning.  Each member brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to these committees. I would like to thank all our council members for the giving of their time and supporting the ongoing governance of this great College.

OPEN DAY - Saturday 18 March

The College OPEN DAY on Saturday on 18 March is approaching quickly.  As advertised previously, the Chatswood campus will be open from 10.00 am to 2.30 pm while The Treacy Centre at Oxford Falls will be open from 8.00 am to 12.00 noon.  It is essential you book to attend either campus. 

Sessions times:   10.00am, 11.30am and 1.00pm.  

The link to book for tours has been shared previously in Woodchatta. 






Open Day Volunteers

An important part of our Open Day is our student tour guide volunteers.

If your son would like to volunteer to assist as a tour guide on the day at either our Chatswood or Oxford Falls campus, please use the link attached to put their name down. 

Enrolments for Years 5, 6 & 7 2025 are now open

Enrolment application forms for St Pius X College are available from today.  Please see the College website or visit the following link for details.  

The closing date for lodgement of 2025 applications is Friday 28 April 2023.

P&F Commencement Mass and Social 

The Commencement Mass was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate Mass with both the St Pius X community and the Lady of Dolours Parish community. The Mass was well attended by members of our community and Fr David acknowledged the St Pius X community for their attendance at the service.  Thank you to the P & F, especially Sarah Gillard, President, for the organisation of the supper after the Mass in the College grounds.  Special thank you to all the staff and families who attended the evening.  I was pleased to meet so many new families to our community who were so complimentary of the welcoming nature of the College and how seamlessly their sons have been able to transition into life at St Pius.

Key Dates

P & F Meeting - AGM:

Monday 6 March

Live Jesus in our Hearts

Mr Michael Ronchetti - Principal