Religious Education

Michelle Hinds

Parish Bulletin

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (Mat 7:7).


Pope Francis uses the analogy of a plant and the importance to water it to the likeness of prayer in our lives. He explains that we need the daily water of prayer, we need time dedicated to God, so that he can enter into our time, into our lives. Pope Francis said that it is in these consistent daily moments of prayer that “we open our hearts to him so that he can daily pour out on us love, peace, joy, strength, hope, thus nourishing our faith.”


The Pope leaves us with an indelible thought that 'prayer is an indispensable aid'. This is true for us in both good times and in challenging times. Praying during all of our different life experiences assists us in our spiritual formation and closeness to our God.


Our staff have recently embarked on the journey of continued spiritual and faith formation using a tool called a Prayer Journal. This experience to promote authentic prayer opportunities will also be filtered through to our students. Prayer in sacred spaces within our school as well as the realization that prayer can take place anywhere, is actioned behaviour we continuously promote with our students. 


Prayer does not change God, it does not always change the situation, but it does change the heart of the person praying.


The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered this term for Year 3 students and any older students wishing to receive the Sacrament. The Information and Parent Workshops are scheduled for Wednesday 15th February at 7p.m at St Agatha's Church.


Sacramental Timetable 2023

Please find attached, the Sacramental Timetable for 2023. Please check this to forward plan for the Sacraments Reconciliation, First Eucharist & Confirmation your child/ren may be receiving in 2023.


Commencement Mass

We will be celebrating our school's Commencement Mass on Friday 17th February 2023 at 12:15p.m at St Agatha's Church in Cranbourne.


The wider school community is invited to join the students and staff as we celebrate Mass together to start our school year in prayerful gathering. Hope to see you there.


Remain prayerful and courageous.

Michelle Hinds