From the Principal

Felicity Broughton

 Do all that you do with love ~


Dear Parents and Friends of St Therese's Primary School,


We are getting close to our Whole School Welcome Night. Please make sure you reply via PAM to let us know how many members of your family are coming and make your selection for sausages. I have heard how popular this event was last year and just how many sausages were consumed, I hope we see you all there this year.


The purpose of this event is as the title suggests - we want to welcome you back to school and get to know you a little better. Our teachers and education support staff will make a point of saying hello, please seek them out for a chat as this is important for us to build our relationship with you all.



Senior C started our class assembly roster this week and did a fabulous job. They have set high standards for the rest of the school to follow and I was so impressed with how confident they were. I'd like to remind you all that you are invited to our assemblies. We alternate between a grade from 3 - 6 and a junior grade each week, with whole school assemblies at the beginning and end of term. Assemblies are an opportunity for the students to share their learning with the rest of the school community and to engage in prayer and reflection.


The gospel that was chosen for the assembly was perfect for the start of the school year. Matthew 7:12 sees Jesus teaching that the golden rule is to do to others what you would have them do to you. This sits with the Play is the Way learning that we undertake, we want our children to treat each other the way they would like to be treated. From what I'm seeing on our playground and in the classrooms, this message is being heard and acted upon. 

Prayerful moment

As the term gets busier, it is easy to forget to take some time for ourselves. As a staff, we are exploring the power of prayer and sharing different prayer experiences. Instead of a formal prayer, this week I'd like to share another song. This one is, like the assembly theme, taken from Matthew 7 - Prayer and the Golden Rule. Take some time to listen together, reflect on the words and share what it means for you.

Have a great week!

Felicity Broughton
