
On Tuesday, we gathered for our first College Mass for 2023. This special gathering celebrated the beginning of the academic year in our College Community. We warmly welcomed Fr Rafter, Administrator of Sacred Heart, Kooringal for 2023, who led our Eucharistic Liturgy, along with representatives of the Presentation Sisters, the Head of Boarding at Mount Erin, Mr John Bussenschutt and parents of our newly appointed College Captains. It was such a joy to come together to ask God’s blessing on our school community and individual pursuits this year.
The theme of our Mass was ‘We give you praise, O God, for all that is new and beautiful’, for everything which holds promise and brings us joy. A phrase reminds us that we can always hope in God’s steadfast love, embracing life and the beauty of his creation. May we always remember that we never walk alone and we can look to Jesus Christ, who came to bring hope and healing to the world.
In the words of J. Shailer:
“May the spirit of adventure enfold us,
and waken our senses to the beauty of the earth,
to the moments of grace,
and to the companionship of one another.”
This year, as we gaze upon the horizon of hope, we might consider all the possibilities that await us as we make a fresh start, returning to school refreshed and revitalised. During our liturgy our staff and students were invited to take some time to contemplate their hopes and dreams for 2023.
Our Year 7 cohort led the entrance procession, bringing forward letters to their Year 12, future selves. These letters outline their hopes, dreams and aspirations for their future here at Mater Dei. After communion, Fr Rafter blessed the College and Boarding Captain’s badges, before their parents received these from Mrs Thomas and pinned them on their sons and daughters
“Loving Father, we ask you to bless our Student Leaders for 2023. Grant them the strength and wisdom to deal with the many challenges that they will face in their role at our College. We commit ourselves to supporting all our leaders, in word and deed, to build a Catholic Community at Mater Dei.”
To conclude our celebration our Homegroup representatives received their candles from their House Captains, being reminded of the light of Christ, showing us the way, and helping us to Live God’s Message.
“May the light of the candle and the warmth of its flame fill our hearts
with the light and warmth of God’s love.
May we share this light and warmth with each other.”
Following our Mass, parents and invited guests enjoyed lunch with our staff in the Pear Tree Cafe. It was a memorable occasion to commence our year together, being reminded of the faith and learning journey we all embark upon together in the Mater Dei spirit.
Catholic Mission's World Mission Month Appeal -
Thank you to our College Community
Thank you again to your generous community for each person’s contribution to Catholic Mission and the people in great need that we support. Jesus says that you will receive power from the Holy Spirit, and you will be my witnesses to the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8) and in 2022, your community responded to Jesus' call to witness and raised $1792.30 to support families in Ethiopia facing malnutrition and food insecurity.
Pope Francis’ emphasises, "...that prayer plays a fundamental role in the missionary life, for it allows us to be refreshed and strengthened by the Spirit as the inexhaustible divine source of renewed energy and joy in sharing Christ’s life with others." May each member of your community be renewed as you experience the joy that Christ has to offer.
From Jane Plum, Diocesan Director for Catholic Mission - Wagga Wagga.
Mrs Amelia Bright | Acting Leader of Mission