Learning and Teaching

LS3- Silhouette Art pieces


An art project we have been working on throughout our space is a personal silhouette of each student. We started this project during SWELL week (and it is a work in progress), while students keep adding to their pieces throughout the term. Students have been adding their strengths (symbols- fists), their passions (symbol-hearts), their goals (symbol- a bullseye) and most importantly the people they trust (symbols- stars) to brighten and personalise their silhouettes. 


The aim of the silhouette art piece is for students to reflect on the amazing qualities they already possess. We are teaching the students to celebrate their uniqueness while still looking at how to achieve  their goals and dreams for the future. 


We invite all families to have a look at all the students’ silhouettes in our space. 


In LS3, we are starting our new routine with Morning Prayer in our Home Groups. The students during SWELL week all added their own individual touch to the Home Group prayer mat. 


The students have started to run the prayer session using the readings of the day to guide the prayer (promoting student agency). It was amazing to see symbols and thoughtful questions being posed to help us think about the meaning of the readings and how we can make this a part of our everyday lives. 


Parents and friends are always welcome to come in and join in this time with our Home Groups, we would love to see you and welcome you to be part of this special time. 


Melody, Rozeta, Tanya

LS3 Senior Teachers



2023 Productions Advertisement Winners


The staff of St. Francis de Sales Primary School voted on the advertisements submitted for the 2023 Productions. 


The images were sent in a staff email and the images were numbered (no student names were displayed). 


The votes were tallied and the winners are :


Georgia Radnetter - Destination Regulation and Evie Patton - Colour My World

Georgia Radnetter - Junior Production Flyer
Evie Patton - Senior Production Flyer
Georgia Radnetter - Junior Production Flyer
Evie Patton - Senior Production Flyer

Kristy Galea

Music Teacher








Grade 3/4 Sport

This is the first time in this term that the Grade 3/4’s participated in the Summer Interschool Sport rotations.  It was an opportunity for the students to showcase their skills in a competitive nature.  When they are in Grade 5/6 they have familiarised themselves and are comfortable with the expectations of each sport.


Grade 5/6 Sport

The Grade 5/6’s practised their skills in a competitive game situations against each other.  It’s important that they get familiar of what it feels like in a competitive situation and show their skills.  The teachers have commented that they are becoming more confident and comfortable.



We are excited to let you know that this term, as part of our Sporting Schools Program, which is funded by the Australian Government, we have been fortunate enough to receive funding. We will have a tennis coach organised by Alex Petropoulos, who is the head coach for AP TENNIS - Hampton Park Tennis Club, to conduct Tennis Clinics with our Junior students.  We would like to thank Alex for providing our students with this opportunity. A flyer for his tennis coaching can be found in the community section of our newsletter.


Juniors will participate in 4, 50 minute sessions. The clinics will take place in Week 6 and 7, then Week 9 and 10. Below are the days the Tennis Clinics will be held for each Learning Space so that you ensure your child is wearing their sports uniform for the day and brings their drink bottle and hat. Reminders will be placed on Morning Gathering as well as in the Newsletter.


Mondays                Learning Space 1 

(Except Week 9 Monday March 20th when LS3 will have their tennis clinic on the Monday.)


Tuesdays               Learning Space 2


Wednesdays         Learning Space 3 

(Except Week 9 Wednesday March 22nd when LS1 will have their tennis clinic on the Wednesday.)



Please mark Thursday March 9th (5.30 pm – 8.00 pm) into your diaries. This is the date for our Twilight House Sports this year. 


Which House will win our Twilight Sports this year? 

Which House will win the Spirit Award? 


Students will soon begin to meet in their Houses to practise their cheering. 


Don’t forget for the sports night your child will need to wear a t-shirt the colour of their House and their sports shorts, skirts or tracksuit and runners:


MacKillop               yellow

Patrick                    green

Bosco                      red

Teresa                    blue


Foundation parents and any parents of new students, you should have been notified of your child’s House so you can organise a coloured t-shirt. If not, please contact your child’s home group teacher. If you have an older child, your younger child will be in the same House.


Parents and Friends will also be providing each student with a sausage on the evening and you will receive more information about this shortly.



On the last day of term, which will be Thursday 6th April, the whole school will be involved in our traditional Cross Country which will be held here at school. We will be looking for the winning House as well as the winners for each level in the Juniors and age group in the Seniors. We will also be identifying Senior students who will qualify to attend District Cross Country in Term 2.


Giuliana & Lulli


Year 5 / 6 Camp 

Congratulations to Isabel, Devaprayag and Jasmine on each receiving a trophy for catching a fish at the Year 5/6 Camp!