Kharisma Kids - OSHC 

Continuing with our display window, this week the children contributed by making personalised leaf craft.


They gathered fallen leaves from under the trees outside LS1.  There the children had a few options of which way they could make their name.


The children used our alphabet cutters to either:

Cut their name into a single leaf.

Cut the letters of their name out of various leaves and stick them on some coloured paper.


Cut the letters of their name out of various leaves and stick them on another leaf.


We made these as part of programming in which we offer activities using a variety of items from Nature and the environment.



At Before School Care we offer breakfast allowing the children time to sit and talk with peers, After School Care we offer an Afternoon Snack after we mark the roll once all the children arrive.  This week we offered a Kool Aid tasting session.  The three flavours up for tasting were:   Grape, Strawberry Lemonade, and Apple. 


Our LS1 Junior Staff also joined in on the icy cordial trial. What we all needed after a 35 degree day. 


Wellness and wellbeing


We have started to add some time where the children can slow down and be more mindful of their bodies, minds, and presence in the moment.


We have run some short meditation experiences in the mornings, allowing the children to begin their day with a positive start.  Andrea joined in just before the start of school. 


Mindfulness and wellbeing activities can also include colouring in, drawing, puzzles.



Rob, Lucas, Marlene, Sara

Kharisma Kids Team