
St Patrick’s Football Club (Old Boys)
The St Patrick’s Football Club (SPFC) would like to invite the SPC community to their third Annual Charity Gala Day event on Sunday 26 February at Lambert Park, home of APIA Leichhardt FC. Attendees will be entertained by three (3) games, featuring both past and present players from our community and half-time interaction with guests. There will be many prizes to be won on the day with all donations going towards their charity partners Beyond Blue and White Ribbon Australia.
Details of the of the day's schedule are listed below:
10:30 AM - SPFC Legends vs SPFC 2nd Grade
12 noon - SPFC Women's vs Epping FC Women's
1:30 PM - SPFC First Grade vs Eastwood St Andrews
SPFC is extremely passionate about supporting the health of our members and the broader community which includes the very important aspect of mental health.
Please follow the link below to our fundraising page:
Seniors School Summer Sports Photos
Parents/carers and boys are advised that in order to limit the number of clashes with classroom learning time, the College will trial having the Senior School Summer Sports photos taken after school this year. In essence, boys in the 13s and 14s who play Basketball, Cricket and Baseball will have their photos taken on Wednesday 15 February from 3:15 PM till 4:45 PM. House Prefects will also have their photo taken at this time.
Boys in the 15s, 16s and Open's who play Basketball, Cricket and Baseball along with the Swimming Squad will have their photos taken on Tuesday 21 February from 3:15 PM till 4:45 PM.
Clearly, the intent is to have photos taken on an afternoon that teams ordinarily train. That said, it is not possible to accommodate all teams/squads on their preferred dates. Further details will be distributed to parents/carers and boys in coming weeks.
Steven Fochesato
Director of Co-curricular