Junior School

Year 5 Camp
Yesterday, Year 5 embarked on their camp adventure to Katoomba Christian Convention Centre. It has been wonderful to witness the way in which students have embraced this opportunity and participated in various activities so far, such as archery and orienteering. Some groups even had fun visiting Scenic World as part of our exciting program of activities on offer for the boys. It has also been just as pleasing to see the way in which boys have established friendships with their peers, while supporting one another as many students are experiencing a school camp for the first time in their educational journey!
Navigating School Transitions
Whether it be joining the Junior School in Year 5 or moving up a grade to Year 6, these points of transition as part of your son’s schooling can be a big change for students, not to mention the broader family system. While this time can be exciting, it can also represent a period of heightened anxiety. Like any period of transition, parents/carers play an enormous role in helping their children adjust and cope with these changes.
Below, are a number of tips you might like to try at home in order to support your son in managing the early part of the new school year and coping with any inevitable adjustments that are present during this time.
- Familiarisation is often key to reducing stress levels. Make sure to familiarise yourself with the school and its programs and find out what resources are available to support your son.
- Encourage your son to make connections. Talk to him about opportunities that exist at school and the different sports teams, co-curricular activities or clubs that he may like to consider in order to facilitate connections with different students and teachers. You can also model this by reaching out and connecting with other school parents and carers.
- Set achievable and specific goals together. A transition period presents a natural opportunity to set some new goals such as making different friendships or trying a new sport or co-curricular activity.
- Encourage organisational skills such as maintaining school belongings, utilising the diary to record homework and keeping track of important dates/events.
- Support them when they need help. Normalise any mixed feelings or feelings of worry during this period. For example, you could share with your child how nervous/excited you felt when starting a new job. Furthermore, parents/carers are encouraged to not be afraid to reach out to the College for additional assistance in supporting their son if necessary.
Pan European Game Information (PEGI)
As we enter the third week of the new school year, it is important to mention the video games your son may have been introduced to over the Summer break, which are no doubt collecting dust now that students have homework and other school commitments to attend to of an afternoon and throughout the weekend! The rapid advancement of technology has made gaming a significant part of children's entertainment, but not all games are appropriate for all ages. To help with this, it is suggested that parents/carers use the PEGI rating system when choosing games for their son/s to play.
The PEGI rating system is a simple tool to help parents/carers select appropriate video games for their children. It assigns an age rating to games based on their content, such as violence and inappropriate language. The ratings range from 3 (suitable for all ages) to 18 (only for adults). In addition to the rating, content descriptors for games are also outlined to provide more information about the nature of the game itself.
It is recommended that parents and carers have open conversations with their son/s about the games they are playing and also set boundaries for their screen-time and gaming choices. This will hopefully assist them in making sure that gaming does not interfere with their schoolwork and overall wellbeing.
Junior School Parent Information Evening
A friendly reminder that we will be hosting all Junior School parents/carers next Monday (20 February) for our Parent Information Evening event which will be held in your son’s specific classroom, between 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM. This important event represents a fabulous opportunity for parents and carers to see their son’s classroom, learn a little more about all areas of their life in the Junior School and of course, meet your son’s classroom teacher. We look forward to hosting those parents/carers who can attend this upcoming information evening!
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via email (glenn.stephenson@spc.nsw.edu.au) or phone (8705 9247) and I will endeavour to assist you in any way that I can.
May God bless you,
Glenn Stephenson
Director of Junior School
Year 5 Welcome Mass and Dinner
This event marks a special moment as your son continues to be inducted and welcomed into the St Patrick’s College community. Celebrated in the intimate and sacred space of the College Chapel, this gathering signifies their connection to the faith community. It is then followed by a relaxed evening and meal in the College Gym with a chance to rekindle friendships and forge new ones (particularly as your sons will be journeying together for the next eight years).
Mass is compulsory for all Year 5 students, and they will need to be at school by 4:45 PM.
The Parents’ and Friends’ Committee have already emailed details to book your place at the dinner. While the dinner is not compulsory, it is sure to be a great night.
Date | Friday 24 February |
Mass | 5:00 PM College Chapel |
Dinner | 6:30 PM Gymnasium |
Friday Morning Mass 8:10 AM
Each Friday morning the College celebrates Mass in the College Chapel. It is a slightly shortened service, but nonetheless a warm experience for the wider school community. All parents/carers are welcome to join their sons in attending this Mass if you are able.
Stephen Cooper
Junior School Religious Education Coordinator