Co-curricular - Junior Sport

It was great to see the majority of the Junior School Summer teams out on the court, field, and diamonds last weekend. With only a moderate amount of training completed so far due to the Year 6 camp, it was exciting to see how the teams developed as the games went on. Many teams coming away with victories or close losses. The most impressive part of the weekend was how well the boys each played as a team. Especially seeing that they are yet to train together in most cases. There are great signs for the SPC teams this Summer.
A reminder for boys and their families that the first three weeks of the Summer season are an extension of the trial period. Over the coming rounds boys may be asked to train and play with other teams. This is in an effort to make teams as competitive as possible, while also providing the boys with the best opportunities to develop as players.
Over the past two weeks, I have placed many messages and announcements on the College App. Many have been placed on the Year 5 and Year 6 tabs along with those in the Co-curricular groups. As of next week, all messages regarding Junior School Co-curricular will be placed on their specific sport tabs and the Junior School Fixtures tab. Please make sure you are subscribed to the sport your son(s) play and the Junior School Fixtures tab, to make sure you don’t miss any important messages.
From next week, Week 4, all Summer teams will revert to the usual training schedule. This will see A and B teams train twice a week and all other teams once a week. All teams training once will train from 3:10 PM until 4:45 PM. In the case of Basketball, some teams will be training at Marie Bashir Public School, 159 Albert Road, Strathfield. Boys can be collected from this venue. All Tennis teams will train offsite at Santa Sabina College, Del Monte Campus. Boys will take the bus to Strathfield station and walk up to the tennis courts. They will be accompanied by a member of the Junior School Staff for this trip. Boys must be collected from Carrington Avenue at 4:45 PM. Teams having a second session will see it completde by 3:55 PM. These second sessions will occur on College grounds and boys collected at the end of training. The training schedule will be published later this week.
The first two weeks of Term 1 have been hectic to say the least. Looking forward into this term, we have two of our major Co-curricular carnivals coming up. The Junior School House Swimming Carnival will be held on 3 March at Birrong Pool. Shortly after this, we have the Cross Country Carnival. In order to get the swimming carnival finalised, boys who are interested in swimming in championship events at our carnival and would like the opportunity to represent the College in the Junior Swimming Squad will need to be timed. Trials for swimming will occur in the College pool this Thursday afternoon,3:20 PM – 5:00 PM for Year 6 students and on Monday afternoon for Year 5 students. Boys are able to choose from freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly or trial in all four or a combination of events. Trials will be divided into age groups and consist of one fast lap of the College pool. This will then inform the championship events and those who are successful in making the Swimming Squad. Boys must be able to competently swim 50m to be able to trial.
Next week, some cultural Co-curricular activities will commence their selection process. Boys that have indicated interest on their forms at enrolment or have developed an interest after commencing at the College will need to listen to announcements regarding meeting times and sign up.
I look forward to a full round of sport this weekend and wish all teams the best of luck.
John Locke
Junior School Coordinator of Co-curricular