Hello, from Carolyn.

Hello everyone,

Thank you to our wonderful teaching staff who have put in many additional hours this week to meet with students and their families for Term 1 goal setting meetings. If you didn't have an opportunity to meet with your child's teacher, please get in touch with them to organise a time to meet.


Waiting in the corridor of our downstairs building.

We have a number of parents/carers coming in to the corridor to wait for their child/ren at the end of the day. We appreciate that it is lovely to be there when they come out of the room, and it is cooler than outside, however, it is creating a tricky situation with our emergency management planning and Child Safe requirements. All parents, visitors, volunteers in close contact with students must have a current Working with Children Check, and, when coming in to our school must complete an OHS Induction and sign in/out each time they are here. Our Emergency Management Plan requires us to know who is in our buildings at all times.

Please wait for your child/ren outside in the courtyard or under the verandahs. We appreciate your support with this matter.


School Council Elections.

Every year we conduct school council elections with half our positions becoming vacant. This year we have four parent positions vacant (2 year positions). Being on School Council is a great way to support your school. We work as a team to think about what is working well in our school and how we can continue to make our school the best it can be. We oversee finances, long term planning and have robust discussions about a variety of topics. Our meetings generally last 1.5 hours, often less than that!

If you would like to more about being a school councillor, you can speak to me, or, I can put you in touch with one of our current councillors.

You can self-nominate or someone can nominate you. Nominations forms will be available from the office from Tuesday 21st February.

Notice of election and call for nominationsTuesday 21 February 2023
Closing date for nominationsThursday 1st March

Candidates and nominators posted 

(if necessary to hold a ballot)

Thursday 2nd March
Ballot papers distributedFriday 3rd March
Close of ballot and declaration of pollFriday 10th March
School Council meetMonday 27th March, 6pm.

Grown up Gardening Group.

We have beautiful school grounds here with lots of garden areas to maintain. This year, we would love to have regular gardening sessions where parents/carers/volunteers come in to help keep garden areas neat and tidy. At the moment, we have a lot of pine needles to clear from the tiger turf area so we need you help!

If you have time on Tuesday 21st Feb first thing in the morning to help us, and a trailer to take the pine needles away, we would love your help! Please let Sara or the office know if you will be there. Many hands make light work- and beautiful, cared for school grounds!


Term overviews and timetables.

Recently, teachers sent home a term overview and a classroom timetable. The term overview helps you know more about the what your child will be learning this term in all subject areas. 


Lost property.

A reminder to LABEL ALL of your child's clothing! The lsot property basket is overflowing with unnamed items. If your child is missing something, check the basket as it is probably in there.


Parking in Nettle St.

It has been brought to my attention that some parents, when dropping their children off in Nettle street in the morning, are driving on to the wrong side of the road and parking their car facing the wrong way. Please, follow the road rules at all times!!


Have you lost your keys?

Some keys were found at the front of the school, Webster st. Call in to the office if you think they might be yours.


School banking details.


Bendigo Violet Street Primary

BSB: 033-688

Account number: 93-1292

Payment reference: use your surname and fees.


warmest regards,
