Your Ideas are Important:

We really want to hear from you.


On Thursday 98 parents showed their support for and commitment to, our school.

We want to use that positive connection and contribution as a stepping stone to keep up our parent community involvement and engagement with our school. 


Western Heights is your school and we want you to cement that ownership. 


One way of doing this is by sharing your views.

There are many ways for you to do that:

  • texting or phoning me on 021779009 
  • emailing me at 
  • or emailing our Deputy Principal Adele at
  • catching up with me before school - I am out the front of our school most mornings between 8 am and 9 am and am always available for a chat
  • popping by my office - my door is nearly always open - for a more confidential chat if that is what you need
  • the same applies for Deputies Adele Nummy, Teresa Hannard and LSC Lisa Pasalic


Another way is by completing our online surveys. These are anonymous, so you can be open and honest without any worries. If you want to add your name, that is fine also.


Sincere thanks for taking the time to read this - and hopefully, for taking the time to complete our three short surveys.