Emily Boyle

Help your child or teenager prevent & cope with anxiety


Monday 13th February, 7:30 – 9:00PM, Maffra Secondary College - Library

Many parents are coming to realise that their child or teenager is anxious, but are unsure of the best way to help them. Often, the ways parents naturally react to having an anxious child can accidentally increase anxiety. That’s why we’re proud to be hosting a FREE Triple P Seminar to help all parents give children useful skills and strategies to prevent excessive worrying and build confidence. These are practical tips and techniques to help you build up your child’s ability to handle uncomfortable emotions in a healthy way. You’ll learn more about underlying causes of anxiety, and what works to reduce it.


The Fear-Less Triple P Seminar can help you:

•              Understand more about anxiety (and how to reduce it) 

•              Look at different ways to respond to your child when they’re anxious

•              Give them skills to cope with challenging situations and solve problems 

•              Teach them a range of strategies based on proven principles


Triple P – Positive Parenting Program can help make raising kids easier, and help you guide them towards a happy and successful adulthood. The seminar is fun and friendly and it’s FREE! Research shows that Fear-Less Triple P actually helps the whole family feel less stressed.


REGISTER NOW: learn more and book your free spot.


Triple P is a world-renowned program (developed in Queensland) that has already helped more than 4 million children and their families, and is currently offered free of charge to parents and carers of children up to 16 years. Triple P also offers other seminars, group workshops and one-on-one consultations, as well as Triple P Online, Teen Triple P Online, and Fear-Less Triple P Online (web-based courses you do in your own time, at your own pace). There are also a range of Stepping Stones Triple P programs, which are tailored specifically for parents of a child with a disability. New Fear-Less Triple P helps parents of anxious children and teenagers.



Emily Boyle

Wellbeing Leader