Faith & Wellbeing
Winter can be tough on us all especially when we cannot get students out to play if the weather is inclement. It is also the time of the year when typically we see students seeing the need for different activities. Hence this is why our fantastic Year 6 Leaders come up with clubs and activities that our students can choose to be involved in. This week Mrs Fatouros has begun our Art/Welbeing Leaders off on a knitting frenzy! Mrs Fatouros has told me by the end of term our students will have knitted their own hats, gloves and/or scarves!
Our STEM Leaders will also be assisting our students in building a greenhouse to germinate seeds for our Tilley garden. Our Social Justice Leaders are very excited about their 'Colour our World without Disaster' colouring competition. And each Wednesday I will be rounding up my gardening friends and pulling out weeds and watering plants in the Tilley Yard. Don’t forget Chess Club is always a very popular Wednesday lunchtime activity too.
Mrs Georgia McNamara
Student Wellbeing Leader
St Vincent De Paul Winter Appeal
As part of our Social Justice initiatives at St James, we continue to challenge our students to SEE!, THINK!, DO! and REFLECT! on the change they can make in our world
On Tuesday our Social Justice Leaders went around to classrooms to launch this year's Winter Appeal. Please find a list below of items we are asking students to bring into school.
Family Faith nights
A very BIG thank you to all the Prep families that attended our Family Faith Nights last Tuesday evening.
It was a lovely evening of sharing stories and ways that we can continue to grow in faith both at home and school.
1/2 Faith Night
Unfortunately our 1/2 Faith night was canceled due to unforeseen circumstances. We will reschedule a time in the first few weeks or Term 3 and look forward to seeing families then.
Year 4 First Communion Reflection Evening
A reminder to families that this Tuesday, 6th June we have our Reflection Evening in preparation for the Sacrament next Term. If families can gather in the hall for a 5:30pm start that would be great.
If there are any parents that require dates or a letter confirming sacraments, please email and I will be able to provide that information for you.
Important Dates
Tuesday 6th - Year 4 First Communion Reflection Evening @ 5:30pm
Friday 23rd - Feast of the Sacred Heart Liturgy @ 10:15am
Thursday 10th - Year 4 First Communion Reflection Day
Wednesday 16th - First Communion @ 6pm, St Joan of Arc
Tuesday 10th - Year 6 Confirmation Reflection Evening @ 5:30pm
Thursday 9th - Year 6 Confirmation Reflection Day
Friday 17th - Sacrament of Confirmation @ 5pm, St Joan of Arc
Mrs Emma Herbert
RE Leader / Sustainability / Learning Diversity Leader
How to Sign up for as a parishioner of Bayside Catholic Mission
For Parish Newsletters, please refer to the new Parish Website