Calendar of Events

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Term 2
Monday 24th April to Friday 23rd June
Thursday 11th May - College Talk & Tour 3:45pm
Thursday 11th May - Inform & Empower Webinar 7:30pm
Friday 12th May - Mother's & Special Friends Breakfast followed by Mass
Thursday 18th May - First Eucharist Family Faith Night (Year 4) 6:00pm
Friday 19th May - National Walk Safely To School Day
Thursday 25th May - Year 4 Excursion to the Shrine
Sunday 28th May - First Eucharist Preparation Mass 5:30pm
Tuesday 30th May - Lug&Carrie Bike Trial 3:30pm
Wednesday 31st May - Open Day Tours 9:30am - 11:00am
Monday 12th June - King's Birthday Public Holiday
Tuesday 20th June - Parent Teacher Interviews 1:30pm - 6:00pm
Wednesday 21st June - Open Day Tours 9:30am - 11:00am
Wednesday 21st June - Parent Teacher Interviews 3:40pm - 5:00pm
Thursday 22nd June - Sacrament of First Eucharist (Year 4) 6:00pm
Friday 23rd June Last day of Term - Students dismissed at 1:00pm
Term 3
Monday 10th July to Friday 15th September
Friday 15 September Last day of Term - Students dismissed at 1:00pm
Term 4
Monday 2nd October to Friday 15th December
Friday 15th December Last day of Term,
Whole School Mass 9:15am & community thank you
Students dismissed at 1:00pm