Assembly Snapshot

Friday Assembly
Hosted By Ramona, Georgia and Hikaru
Class Presentation - Year 4McG
Year 4McG presented their learning at assembly and shared an Anzac Day presentation. Year 4 read letters they had written as soldiers during the war.
Student of the Week
Arno in Prep B For following teacher instructions and making sure he is always ready for learning.
Orison L in Year 1R For always listening attentively and being a responsible learner by following directions in the classroom.
Alyssa F in Year 2J For her wonderful efforts to be organised and focused during learning times. Well done on all your great work this week.
David S in Year 4McD For taking an active role in assisting with classroom responsibilities. You have helped to manage our class footy tipping competition, efficiently collated the results, and helped teach others to do so. Well done!