Parents & Friends News

Dear all,
Hasn’t the last few weeks become very chilly. Apart from the cold weather we have been very busy.
It was so good to see our Preps, Year 1’s and Year 2’s participate in our Junior School Mass. All the children spoke so clearly and they all preformed their jobs so well. Well done to all of you!
Last Friday I had the privilege to go on the excursion along with Joyce, Carla, Danni and Holly to TwistED in Moorabbin with Preps, Year 1 and the Year 2’s. I think I can speak for all of us on how much fun we had and it was so good to see all the children laugh and have loads of fun on each activity.
The last few weeks we have busy working on our Mother’s Day Breakfast. I would like to thank everyone for your kind donations and all the help to make this event enjoyable.
Hope to see you all there in the morning and don’t forget your warm puffers. We would like to wish all of the wonderful women in our school community a Happy Mother's Day.
On behalf of the P&F team, have a wonderful week.