Principal's News

Pentecost Sunday


On the weekend, the Catholic Church celebrated Pentecost Sunday. This special feast is often called the birthday of the Church, as it speaks to the first apostles being brave and going out to spread the message of Jesus and God’s love. It is when they received the Holy Spirit, the third member of the Holy Trinity. 


The Holy Spirit is often spoken about but hard to understand. However, last week, I had the privilege to attend two Masses here at Holy Family, and Fr Prince asked the question, ‘What is Catholic about Catholic schools?’ It is a question we must continue to ponder! 


I believe the answer is within the Holy Spirit. 

Many colleagues and Friends work in public education, and some in Independent schools. Often it can be said that Catholic schools instil great values, which I hope we do; however, other schools do an excellent job clearly articulating and developing important values. They also deliver academic outcomes, which we focus on, striving to deliver an accelerated growth rate for each child. 


Often, I speak to Relief Teachers who will comment, they love coming to Catholic Schools, because there's something different, yet they struggle to articulate the difference. We have Catholic Identity markers around the school, such as Crosses and Crucifixes. You will see Bible and Artwork depicting Jesus’ work and words. 


However, you can’t see the Spirit driving and inspiring the people that makeup Catholic Schools. I have experienced it in many different schools, and it is here. Our staff are undoubtedly filled with a higher purpose and a real vocational calling, where people see their ability to impact others positively. 


I truly believe that Catholic Education makes a powerful difference, not just to Catholic families, but to many families who seek out that difference, that we deliver. Holy Family is a powerful example of that difference that can be made. St Theresa of Avila said it best “Christ has no body now on earth but yours”.


Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority Review

We are in the final stages of our preparation for our VRQA process, which involves significant self-reflection on all practices. Part of updating our processes has been to improve our attendance process. If your child is unwell, you can either 

  • email your child’s teacher, 
  • Call the front office 

or a new option

This new email account will be directed to myself and the front office, which we will pass on to the teacher for you.


Community BBQ

We will hold an informal BBQ on Thursday, the 8th of June (Weather permitting). All families are welcome to come and have a free sausage from 3:00 pm until 4 pm. You can park in our Basketball court and meet some other parents or chat with the staff—more information to come. 



Enrolments are now open for 2024. If you have a child starting Prep in 2024, please come and fill in enrolment forms in the office. 


School Advisory Council

I have had a number of parents now indicate they would like to have a voice in the school's future. If any other parents are interested, please notify me before Friday 2nd June. We will look to hold our first meeting next week. 


Kind Regards, 


Paul Sharp

School Principal