Junior School

Language and Cognition
Few instances at school bring a smile to my face more than to see the Junior School boys walking towards the bus area in the afternoon chatting to their friends about their day or excitedly hopping in the car when picked up by a parent to share some news that has occurred. These moments in time are important; we know that the link between language and cognition is incredibly strong. We unpack the things that we have experienced, things that are on our minds and things that we want to explore further. Boys love to share the new knowledge they’ve learnt, and we also know that teaching others about what we have learnt helps to solidify that learning in our brains. The opportunity to discuss these new ideas or concepts also helps us to answer questions we might have about them, or to explore these ideas further. It truly is such an important part of learning.
I was at a restaurant over the long weekend and was struck by the number of families whose members were all glued to their screens. Many of the children were watching their own individual devices wearing headphones and food was being shovelled into their mouths, so enthralled they were with their entertainment. The majority of the parents were also scrolling through their social media feeds, and diligently shovelling food into their children’s mouths every so often.
In my opinion, eating out should be an experience, an opportunity to learn new things, to chat about the week that was and flag interesting events coming up. To comment on what we’re seeing, hearing, and tasting. To try new things from a menu after discussing the pros and cons of each. Or simply taking turns to speak and engage in discussions where opinions can be shared and unpacked.
Learning happens all day every day, not just at school, and so many of the skills that can be learned from such a simple occurrence as a meal in a restaurant, are the skills that we will need as technology increasingly manages many of the procedural aspects of our lives. The link between language and cognition cannot be underestimated, and I implore you to take every opportunity to engage in rich and interesting conversations with your children; the development of their intelligence relies on it!
Semester 1 Reports and Parent/Teacher Interviews
A friendly reminder that the Junior School Parent/Teacher Interviews will be held on Thursday 22 June from 3:45 PM to 9:00 PM and on Friday 23 June from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
The online booking system is open and scheduled 10-minute meetings can be made via the ‘Interview’ tab on the TASS Parent Lounge prior to 11:59 PM on Tuesday 20 June. There is an expectation that all parents/carers will make an interview with their son’s classroom teacher.
If you would like to organise an interview with your son’s Mathematics teacher (if he or she is not already your son’s classroom teacher), or to meet with one of his specialist teachers, then please don’t hesitate to email the relevant member of our staff directly so that a suitable time can be arranged.
Further information regarding the upcoming Parent/Teacher Interviews can be found in the ‘Junior School’ section of the Week 6 edition of the Especean.
Thank you in advance for setting aside time to speak with our Junior School staff about your son in support of his education.
Education System Survey
The Federal Minister for Education, The Hon. Jason Clare MP, is inviting parents/carers and students to participate in a national survey to help shape the future of school education funding.
Independent school communities are encouraged to have their say in this survey to ensure that the needs of schools and students in this sector are recognised and attract fair levels of funding.
The survey will inform the expert panel review into the next National School Reform Agreement, on which State and Commonwealth funding of government and non-government schools is based.
The Association of Independent Schools (AIS) is encouraging schools to provide the survey link (which closes on Friday 23 June) to their school community here.
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via email (glenn.stephenson@spc.nsw.edu.au) or phone (8705 9247) and I will endeavour to assist you in any way that I can.
May God bless you,
Glenn Stephenson
Director of Junior School