Faith, Justice and Formation

Founder's Day Mass
Last Friday the whole school gathered for our annual celebration of Founder’s Day with a Mass in the gym. The Mass was celebrated by our College Chaplain Fr Jack Evans and an address was given by the College Vice Captain, James Bellamy. The music was impressively led by the choir and orchestra under the direction of Ms Grapé and Dr Taylor, with organ scholar, Bailey Yeates (Year 12) on the organ.
It is on Founder’s Day that we are reminded that our way is the way of Edmund. This year the theme for the Mass was Christian Service and the EREA touchstone of Justice and Solidarity. It is through dedication to the service of others that we can be “united in one mind and one purpose”, as our College theme for 2023 proclaims.
The Gospel at Mass was from St Mark in which Jesus reminds us that “the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” This is the call received by our founder Blessed Edmund when he saw the need of the poor and the oppressed on the streets of his own town in Waterford, Ireland more than 200 years ago. As a wealthy businessman, he could afford a life where he could expect people to serve him, but he heard Jesus’s call to serve others. He used his time and resources to reach out to the young and the poor, because he knew that education is liberating. Like Blessed Edmund, we too are called to imitate this example and live lives of selfless love and service to others.
At St Patrick’s College we have so many opportunities to take up the call of service through SOL Service and Social Justice Service; through our charity partnerships; the Winter Appeal amongst many others. And all of these are important actions of our faith. But we are also called upon to act in the service of each other in our community. Like Blessed Edmund, we are called to allow our “hearts be broken open for people”.
St Patrick’s College - Winter Sleep Out
This year the annual Winter Sleep Out will be held on Friday 21 July. This year the importance of raising awareness about homelessness is greater than ever. The pressures that many people are feeling in the community through the cost-of-living pressures, particularly the cost of housing in Australia, is having an increasing impact.
The Winter Sleep Out is an expression of solidarity with those in need and an opportunity to raise awareness and educate our young people of some of the realities of homelessness. Homelessness does not discriminate. It can happen, and does happen, to anyone. Although, as with many things, those most at risk are the young and the old.
The Winter Sleep Out will take place on Friday 21 July. As well as sleeping out overnight, students will assist in preparing hospitality packs from the donations made in the Winter Appeal, for distribution to people who are homeless in our community. The Winter Sleep Out is open to all boys from Year 5 to Year 12 and is supervised here at school by members of the teaching staff who volunteer their time to participate. Boys in Year 5 to Year 10 can earn SOL points for their participation. There will be a limit on numbers.
To sign up for this event, students are asked to refer to the email that I have sent them which provides a link to a permission form. Numbers will initially be limited to 15 boys from each year group and will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.
Adam Leslie
Acting Director of Identity