Deputy Principal

Performing Arts is Alive and Well
Over the last two weeks I have been awe of the talent that has been on show here at the College from our Performing Arts Department. Our College production of Shakespeare in Love was a standout, with an amazing array of talent on show by our young men engaged in Shakespeare, captivating the audience. It never ceases to amaze me how these young men put themselves up on stage and show their vulnerability to the audience.
On Founder’s Day we were equally blessed to have our College Band and Choir lead us through Founder’s Day Mass. The band was exquisite and once again our choir led the way with their amazing voices, allowing the rest of us mere mortals to join in and sound good as well. To Dr Taylor and Ms Grapé, we are thankful for your leadership of these groups.
During the Founder’s Day concert, we heard from one of our school rock bands called Orion consisting of Christian Stojanovski, Domenic Taranto, Christopher Gittani and Nicholas Panagopoulos who played Hangar 18 in front of 1,700 staff and students and kept us enthralled from start to finish. We thank Mr Freere for his help, guidance and setting up this band.
Last Tuesday night was the Year 12 Soiree which included our Year 12 Performance students: Bailey Yeates on organ, Nicholas Lipari on base guitar and Lachlan King on drums. These are some of the most talented young musicians I have ever heard and are a true credit to themselves and their families. Our thanks goes out to their teacher, Mrs Ovijach, for her care and guidance of these young men.
I would also like to publicly acknowledge our Head of Performing Arts, Ms Rebecca Duff. We are so blessed to have her expertise here at the College. She puts an enormous amount of effort into the running of the department. She has the highest expectations for the young men in her care and it shows when our students are up on stage performing. When she is not running Performing Arts, she is organising our College Assemblies or other significant events in the life of the College, like our Opening Mass and High Achievers Assembly, as well as being instrumental in the running of Founder’s Day last week.
Congratulations to all our young men and staff who are part of our Performing Arts Department. You all truly ‘let your light shine’ and are a ‘beacon for boys’ education’.
Adrian Byrne
Deputy Principal