Co-curricular - Junior Sport

Week 8 Update
I hope that everyone has had a relaxing and enjoyable long weekend. The batteries have been recharged for the final flurry to the end of Semester 1. As always, the final two weeks will be busy, with Parent Teacher Interviews, Winter sport rounds, athletics carnivals, and planning for the holidays. A few key dates for the end of Term 2 and the beginning of Term 3:
- Tuesday 13 June – Training resumes as per the training schedule.
- Saturday 17 June – Final round of Winter sport for Term 2.
- Week 9 – No Junior School Winter sport training this week.
- Wednesday 21 June – Junior School House Athletics Carnival, Breen Oval (parents/carers are warmly invited to come and spectate. The green seats along the Fraser Street side of Breen Oval will be available to all parents/carers).
- Monday 17 July – Term 3 starts, and Winter sport training is recommenced.
- The final three rounds of Winter sport for 2023 Saturday 22 July, 29 July, and 5 August.
Over the past week William Malone of Year 6 Red has spent time playing cricket with the NSW PSSA team in Darwin. The team were playing in the School Sports Australia competition against teams from other states around the country. From all reports the competition was strong, with two teams standing above the rest, New South Wales and Queensland. The two teams would meet in the final with Queensland winning in the last over of the game. William Contributed to his team’s success with both bat and ball and he, along with his NSW team-mates should be very proud of their efforts. Congratulations on all you have achieved this year in cricket William and no doubt, Darwin will be a treasured memory.
While William has been in Darwin with cricket, Charlie and Archie Ackland have been pounding out the miles preparing for the CIS Cross Country Carnival. This year it was relocated to the Sydney International Equestrian Centre, a much more challenging course. Both Charlie and Archie ran well, setting new personal best times. Archie came in 15th and Charlie finished in 5th place, with the top six runners being selected to represent NSWCIS at the upcoming PSSA Carnival. Amazing efforts by both boys! Continuing their running form, both boys were participants in the Waterford Mile on Founder’s Day. Again, both boys ran extremely well starting off 15 seconds. Charlie, eventually coming home in first place for the Mile. It was certainly a whirlwind 24 hours for the boys.
Congratulations to all the boys that represented their clubs and rep sides over the long weekend. We had a large contingent of Junior School boys involved. From what I have heard, all the boys have had an enjoyable experience and have enjoyed varying levels of success.
I am looking forward to seeing all the boys run out this weekend for their final rounds of Term 2 and hearing of their successes. Best of luck to all players, coaches, and families for this weekend.
John Locke
Junior School Coordinator of Co-Curricular