Principal's Update

Angelika Ireland

School Council Elections 2022 - Parents in Partnership

I am pleased to announce the outcome of the 2022 School Council elections. The successful applicants will join or continue on School Council after the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, March 22nd. Congratulations to the following successful candidates who hold the position of a Parent Member - Angela Richards, Ranjeeta Chetty, Samar Ali El-Masri and Derya Kucukali, and also welcome to Kristie Hollow who has filled a one-year co-opted position. 


The DET Member elected is Gabby Tigafua.


School Council membership as of March 2022, until the 2023 AGM are as follows:

Non DET Members - Lyla Badawy, Angela Richards, Ali Sahin, Ranjeeta Chetty, Samar Ali El-Masri, Derya Kucukali, and Kristie Hollow.


DET Employee Member -  Rob Rovetto, Meredith Clegg, Gabby Tigafua,  Angelika Ireland

Non DET Community Member - Lynette Liberti.


I sincerely thank Naomi Sayegh for her term on School Council over the last two years. 


School Dress Code Policy

Greenvale Primary School has a Student Dress Code policy that has been ratified and accepted by School Council. Expectations are that parents support this policy and ensure their child/children adhere to the appropriate uniform and personal presentation, and that students wear their uniform with pride.


The aim of the policy is to:

  1. To promote equality amongst all students.
  2. To further develop a sense of pride in, and identification with our school.
  3. To provide a school uniform that is practical, comfortable, attractive and affordable.
  4. To maintain and enhance the positive image of the school in the community.

Can I please make sure that all parents and students aware of the following that is also included in the policy:

  • Stud earrings and small sleepers worn only in the ears, plus watches are the only acceptable jewellery.  Tattoos are not permitted.
  • Extreme hair colours (eg. green, pink or purple rinses) and/or extreme hairstyles (eg. patches of colour, or Mohawks) are not permitted.
  • Other than clear nail polish, cosmetics may not be worn at school.
  • Footwear should consist of black shoes, boots, sandals with toe area covered or runners, black or white with black or white laces. No bright colours.

You may find a copy of this policy on our website.


2021 Annual Report to the School Community - Parents in Partnership

You are invited to attend the School Council Annual General Meeting (AGM) to hear the outcomes of the 2021 Annual Report to the School Community. The annual report provides a means for the School Council to inform the community of what has been achieved and how the school has performed in the previous year. 


The annual report includes the following:

  • a profile comment about our school including the school’s vision and purpose, and defining attributes of the school including its geographic location, size and structure, social characteristics, enrolment characteristics, special programs etc.
  • comments on the school’s progress and what the school is doing to improve student outcomes in the three areas of achievement, engagement and wellbeing.
  • Information about school enrolments, the socio-economic background of students, the proportion of students with English as an additional language, data related to parents and staff satisfaction.
  • How our students are performing in English and Mathematics compared to all Victorian Primary Schools.
  • Student attendance data.
  • Year 4 to Year 6 Student Attitudes to School data.
  • Parent Satisfaction Summary.
  • School Staff Survey Summary.


Please Note – School Council Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 6:00pm on Tuesday, 22nd March followed by the School Council meeting with the new Council at 6:30pm. The AGM is an open meeting so I am cordially inviting parents to attend if they wish to do so. Attendees will have to show evidence of vaccination upon entry and will be required to wear a mask whilst inside the school building. Could you please notify the office if you are going to attend. At the AGM we will table and discuss the Annual Report to the School Community which outlines school outcomes and progress for 2021.


Coronavirus Update

Please note that since we have returned to school, over 50 student cases of COVID cases and a number of staff cases have been reported to our school. Please check your Compass posts for information on a regular basis, as parents whose child has had a positive Covid case in their child’s class will receive such a post.


Your child will bring home another box of 5 RAT tests this week. Twice-a-week testing (on a school day) is strongly recommended for both students and staff. 

If your child has any symptoms, they should not attend school and you should administer a RAT or take your child to have a PCR test. It seems that a RAT test result does not always show up positive initially, so if your child has symptoms, please keep them at home and continue with a further RAT or take them to have a PCR test.


Students need to do the RAT at home; you only need to report their result if it is COVID-positive. 


 If a student has been in contact with a positive case at school the following applies -

  • If your child is a school contact and is asymptomatic (no symptoms) - they can continue to attend school and you should monitor your child for symptoms.
  • If they are symptomatic (symptoms/unwell) – your child must stay home and do a RAT or PCR test. If the test is positive, they should not return to school. 

If the test is positive, you must: 

  • Isolate the child along with household contacts for 7 days.
  • Report to the school, either via the schools COVID portal by creating an account at, email or calling 9333 2500.
  • Report this through the Department of Health system if detected by a RAT (Rapid antigen tests | Coronavirus Victoria) or via the coronavirus hotline at 1800 675 398.
  • If a student is a household contact of a positive case the following applies -
    • Your child must quarantine and must not attend school for 7 days.
    • Please notify the school if your child is a household contact. 
    • A 30 day exemption from isolating/testing applies if a person has had COVID.



Food for Thought


A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.’

Brad Henry


Angelika Ireland