Student Wellbeing

Breakfast club is coming
The student wellbeing team will be hosting a Breakfast Club in the Junior Learning Centre soon. We are hoping that this will become a weekly event. More to come.
eSafety webinars
eSafety's free webinars provide parents and carers with the knowledge, skills and tools to support children to have safe, positive online experiences. See the 2022 Parent series topics that includes issues arouind online gaming, cyber bulling and parent controls.
Positive Start program
The Victorian Government is acting to re-engage primary and secondary students and to boost their physical and emotional health and wellbeing in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Students who attend a government or low-fee non-government school will get more opportunities to attend camps, swimming programs, sports programs and cultural experiences in 2022. With the free Positive Start in 2022 program, Victorian students can be more active, reconnect with friends and find inspiration in new and exciting places.
More information to come.
Kingston Youth Advisory Committee
Join the City of Kingston Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) and be involved in formulating future directions of Council for Kingston’s young people.
The YAC has been established to provide advice to the City of Kingston in relation to broad-based youth related issues within the community. The YAC is an advisory committee of Council with a Councillor or Councillors nominated on an annual basis.
The YAC provides an important forum for identifying municipal-wide issues and opportunities and advising Council about effective policy and service provision for young people within the City of Kingston.
The YAC provides opportunities for young people to develop leadership skills and be part of the decision making process. Further, the committee will provide the opportunities for young people to gain experience and knowledge of local government and the youth service system available to young people in the local and surrounding suburbs.
The committee aims to focus on issues and opportunities that are relevant across the entire municipality. The committee should provide specialist advice to Council as an input into decisions that impact municipal-wide Council policy.
If you would like to join the YAC you must be aged 12-25 and live, work or study in the City of Kingston.
For more information or to discuss, contact Youth Services on 1300 369 436. Alternatively, you may want to send an Expression of Interest form, one of our youth work team will get in touch.