Student Leadership

Year 7 roles
Offers for positions on each of the six teams have gone out now. There was a lot of interest from most teams, in particular House Captain positions. All teams meet regularly and have their own classroom, a senior Captain and members at each year level. The teams also have a teacher liaison to offer guidance and support when needed. It is important that all members attend the meetings and are aware of what the team are working towards and what students at each year level might be responsible for doing. Our student leaders often speak at year level or even general assemblies and should be regularly communicating with their year levels and providing feedback and ideas back to the teams from consideration.
With such strong interest from year 7 to 9 students, we have several debating teams at each year level.
We have been rotating roles with students preparing together and then presenting to the other year levels, their efforts debating such topics as:
- Should homework be banned?
- We should all go Vegan/Vegetarian to save the planet
- The benefits of outside classrooms on educational outcomes
Students take tuns with increasingly longer time limits speaking for and then against the topic with other students taking on the roles of time keeping, judging and research support. Our plan is to get to a point where we can hold lunchtime debates and perhaps create a House based competition. We are also registered with the Debating Association of Victoria and plan to compete later in the year against teams from other schools. More than an argument, debating builds skills in public speaking, confidence, problem solving research skills and resilience.
New members are most welcome. Most weeks we practise on Tuesdays in Room 6/7.
The Student Representative Council kicked off their fundraising by providing the traditional Swimming Carnival barbeque. Sizzling sausages and veggie burgers kept the queues long throughout the day. Well done to the SRC!
Ms Wendy Harvey
Director of Student Leadership & Engagement