House and interschool competitions

Swimming Sports report 

On Wednesday 2 March the MGSC swimming carnival occurred, the entire school attended Oakleigh Recreation pool covered from head to toe in their house colours to support their respective house. 


The day had so much to offer with races in the pool, spike ball on the grass, teacher vs student relay and even superman diving off the diving board. All of these events gave everyone the opportunity to get relief from the heat and get into the water to earn some house points. 


Some stand out achievements from the day included:

  • Mia Schroen in year 12 creating a new record by 0.10 sec for Open 50m Butterfly
  • Amelia Bennett in year 8 creating a new record by 0.48 sec for 14 year old 50m Butterfly
  • Matilda Waugh in year 9 creating a new record by 2.73 min for 15 year old 50m Butterfly
  • 15 year old 4 x 50m freestyle relay team broke a record by 2.02 min

Congratulations to all students involved – it was so pleasing to see so many smiling faces soaking up the atmosphere. 


Thank you to Ms Ilana Parker for once again organising another amazing swimming carnival and all teachers involvement on the day.  


Amberley Powell

College Sports Captain

Round Robin reminder

A friendly reminder to all our year 7 and  8 students of the upcoming round robin events. Students have been attending lunchtime trial and training sessions in preparation for these days. Thank you to our staff coaches who have included these lunchtime commitments into our already hectic days for our students.


The year 8 Round Robin date is Friday 18 March followed by the year 7 Round Robin on Thursday 24 March with teams including cricket, softball, tennis, lawn bowls and volleyball competing. Parents/Guardians are reminded to ensure that they follow the information contained in the emails sent out to team members regarding consent and payment prior to the day of competition.     

Beachside Swimming

Students who have qualified to be part of the MGSC Swim Team and thus represent the college at divisional level will be notified shortly. The team list is in the process of being finalised. The divisional event will be held on Thursday 17 March at Oakleigh Recreation Pool.

MGSC Athletics is coming!

The second of our annual house events is fast approaching with Athletics scheduled for Thursday 31 March. This event will be held at Dolomore Athletics Track in Mentone with all students and staff meeting at the track for 8.45am roll call. Further information about processes and expectations will be distributed shortly. 


Ms Ilana Parker

Interschool Sport & College House Coordinator

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