
Technology in the Foundation Rooms.

The Foundation students have been provided access to Reading Eggs and Wushka. Both programs are to assist in developing their literacy skills, especially reading. Reading Eggs is an app that can be downloaded and Wushka is accessed via an internet browser.

Login names and passwords have been sent home for each Foundation child, located in the front cover of their Diary.


You can access these reading tools from home to read books and play interactive learning games.



Reading Eggs has become part of our daily morning Reading Workshops. Each child’s reading group has the opportunity to practise logging into the application and exploring the different reading activities available. This has become a very engaging part of our Literacy Block, with the students looking forward to their turn on the iPads.


Logging into the apps can be a bit of a challenge for the Foundation students. It would be great if you could have your child practise logging in and out of Reading Eggs and Wushka as often as possible so they can do it independently. This would be a great help to the classroom teacher by maximising the learning time during the Literacy Workshops. Simply logging in for each student will not assist them in becoming more independent.


Thanks in advance for your assistance with this :)