Community News

CFA News - Fire restrictions still in

There have been no Total Fire Ban days declared for two years in the district. Newham CFA operates throughout, but that doesn't mean residents can be careless with fire. The district is still under a Fire Restriction Period which limits what people can or can't do in regards to starting an fire outdoors. Newham CFA volunteers have still this season been needed at fires - lightning strike fires, illegal burns and more – there has been plenty happening. Meanwhile, CFA Chief Officer Jason Heffernan has urged Victorians to also stay informed about fire conditions and keep bushfire plans up to date as days of elevated fire danger will occur well into autumn. “While Victoria has experienced a milder fire season than average and the Australian Seasonal Outlook for Autumn forecasts average to below-average fire risk in the state during March to May, fires can still start and spread quickly – particularly on hot, dry and windy days,” he said. Chief Officer Heffernan reminded Victorians the whole state, except for East Gippsland, is still under fire restrictions and urged anyone wanting to undertake any burning on private property to visit – the Victorian fire agencies’ one-stop shop to check and apply for a permit and notify authorities of permit activities. “Milder conditions are no excuse to ignore fire safety and leave fires (such as campfires) unattended. Our crews are often called out to abandoned campfires – and illegal burns on properties – and it’s crucial the community works with us to prevent bushfires from starting and spreading,” he said. You are also advised by the Newham CFA to read the Macedon Ranges Shire Council's web page for information about current restrictions and the CFA's web pages.) 


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