Catholic Identity

St Vincent de Paul Winter Woollies Appeal 

Last term our annual St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal was an amazing success.  A HUGE THANK YOU to all our students and their families who contributed Winter Woolies for this Appeal.  


Shepparton Mayor, Kim O’Keefe and the President and and Vice President of St Vinnies were in awe of the amount of brand new winter woolly donations collected.  


Kim shared information on  her role as the mayor of Shepparton and encouraged our Catholic Identity Team to continue being ambassadors of good will by encouraging others to do so also.  It was such a wonderful site to see our students totally mesmerised by the Mayor and what she had to say.  It was pleasing to see.  


It was such an inspiring project to be a apart of and watch our students flourish in their role.


A big 'Congratulations' to all those who contributed to our Winter Woolly collection.  


Grateful Thanks!


200 Years of Catholic Education in Australia


This year we celebrate 200 years of Catholic education in Australia and to commemorate this special occasion each fortnight the students and teachers at St Brendan’s (200 combined) will be asked to share their learning or teaching journey in Catholic Education.  In Father Rob’s National song for Catholic Education, ‘Faith in the Future’, there is a verse that mentions, ‘200 reasons to sing…’. This will be the driving focus for this segment in our newsletter.  We hope you enjoy reading and learning more about why our students and teachers here at St Brendan’s and their Catholic Education journey.








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