We are back online for Chapel this term and it’s given me the opportunity to cultivate thankfulness for the ability to stay connected as a community around Christ, even when we can’t physically gather. Our online connectedness actually began last term when several hundred students completed our first Spirituality Survey. 


This survey gave students the opportunity to anonymously express their queries, doubts and opinions about Christianity, the fruit of which has set the agenda for our series in Chapel this term. We will be exploring the questions of the student body, but I’ve already hinted that the answer will be the same each week, as you can see in the promo video below:

We’ve already covered one topic, which you can tune into via the TRAC Chapel Podcast or on YouTube.

Information has been made available on Compass about supporting those in need in our community by partnering with St. John’s Anglican Op Shop to provide winter clothing. There has been an increased demand for winter clothing across local charities as the dislocation of poverty continues to affect our region.


Collection tubs have been placed outside the Library for students to donate warm clothes, which will be made available to the Op Shop and for relief packages to those in need. Please consider having a mid-winter clean out of your family wardrobes and donate clothing.






Gareth Tyndall | College Chaplain