


On the first day of term 3, we were lucky enough to have our mathematics consultant, Kathryn Palmer, facilitate our curriculum day. While our teachers are highly skilled and confident practitioners, we relished the opportunity to work with an esteemed expert to continue our own professional development. The day was broken up into two separate parts designed to upskill our teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge. 


The first part of the day was dedicated to unpacking the mathematics proficiencies of understanding, fluency, problem solving and reasoning. Effectively and purposefully embedding these proficiencies within our mathematics planning ensures that student learning and student independence are at the centre of our curriculum. This will enable students to respond to situations by employing mathematical strategies to make decisions and solve problems efficiently.


The second part of the day was dedicated to deepening our conceptual understanding of the big ideas in number to further facilitate our students’ development of number sense. Having developed number sense allows

 students to understand number and operations and use this understanding in flexible ways to make mathematical judgements and to develop efficient strategies. The room was buzzing with excitement as teachers engaged in tasks involving problem-solving, collaboration and manipulation of concrete materials. Staff walked out with innovative ideas and enthusiasm to further embed their new learnings and understandings into their practice. 


Shelley Wockner

Learning Specialist (Mathematics)