School for Student Leadership

Snowy River Campus

Snowy River Campus is a leadership program exclusive to year 9 students. You must complete an application process, expression of interest and an interview in order to be accepted into the program. 


The school for student leadership is a nine-week program that covers aspects of qualities and strengths of a leader by participating in a range of activities. 


The program was so much fun and was a really beneficial experience. You get to meet a wide range of people from around Victoria who you get to know very well. You also meet lots of staff who you get to bond with. You have one visiting weekend where you stay at a hotel with your parents for the weekend. Outside of this, you can contact family and friends via email or letters, you also can receive packages from family.


You do a variety of activities both outside and inside such as canoeing, bridge building, raft building, expeditions and much more. The most anticipated activity for most people was the expos. During the program, you get to do two expeditions, one for two days and the other for three. You get to plan what food and equipment you bring as well as essentials.


Another exciting part of the school is the committees. There are a large range of committees you can participate in, the most popular being cooking. When you're in a committee, you can attend meetings and arrange different types of events or activities. For example for the cooking committee you can organise themed days like Valentine’s Day or Christmas and you can cook food around those topics. When in the cooking committee you can help in the kitchen.


Each day there are different student leaders that explain the day. They announce the weather and the activities that will run that day and talk at different times of the day. As part of the experience you also have to plan a CLP (Community Learning Project) that you will undergo once you're back at school. You plan and present your project at Snowy. 


In conclusion, Snowy River is a great experience and we strongly encourage any current year 8 students to apply or seek further information. It’s so fun and an experience that you will never forget. 


By Connor and Haylee