Sub School News

Sub School News
Year 8:
Welcome back from yet another lockdown and college closure, it was great to see all our Year 8 students back and ready to engage with their learning. Just before lockdown we had our Year 8 volleyball competition where each home group faced off one another in a knock out style round robin. Every Year 8 home group participated and put forward strong teams which led to fierce competition and some very close games. All the competitors had lots of fun and it was awesome to see such high levels of participation. I am proud to announce the winners of the volleyball competition was 8F, they will be treated to lunch in the final week of term. Given how much the cohort enjoyed the competition we will be hold more lunch time activities for them to help connect them to the school and each other along with having a great time.
We have now begun Semester Two and our students are at the half way mark of the year. This is an opportunity to improve and build on the great work they completed during Semester One. It is also an opportunity to develop new relationships with different teachers across the college and engage in different subjects to help expand their knowledge. Semester One reports will also be coming out soon, families should utilise these to help drive improvement in academic ability and skill. Please take the time to go through the reports with your young person to build on and improve their capacity.
Finally, we would like to welcome all our Year 8 students back from lockdown and if there are any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me
Bishoy Aziz
Year 9:
Who would have thought we would have gone back into lockdown for a fourth time! At least we are becoming pros at it by now. The last two weeks of remote learning have been; stressful, challenging, tiring, frustrating, overwhelming…. But students have dealt with it with positivity and optimism. You should all be applauded with getting through this difficult time. Fingers crossed we do not have any more remote learning…. EVER!
The uncertainty, for many, can add to anxiety, apathy and withdrawal. The lack of social interaction, physical distancing, cancellation of important events we have always taken for granted, is something we are dealing with on a daily basis. During these times, it is important for students to keep the conversation going and speak with someone if they feel overwhelmed. If you feel your child is struggling with their mental health, please speak with the sub school team who can assist with your concerns. Stay safe over the holidays, have a restful break and we look forward to seeing you all in Term Three.
Jacqueline Sampson.
Senior School
Victoria is transforming the delivery of senior secondary education with the introduction of a single senior secondary certificate that will offer greater access to quality vocational and applied learning pathways for all students. The senior secondary education reforms aim to provide access to education and training that is relevant, engaging and that delivers in-demand skills for the future world of work, ensuring that students can access education that leads to employment.
Next year students will still be able to enrol in either the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) or the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE). The following year, in 2023, VCAL students will be enrolled in the new VCE Vocational Specialisation or the new foundation pathways certificate which will be introduced to replace Foundation VCAL.
The VCE Vocational Specialisation will be recognised internationally, be valued by employers and will build on the strengths of VCAL including providing:
- flexible timetables that allow students to study at school, TAFE and work
- opportunities to experience real-life workplaces
- subjects that will build students skills and prepare them for life after school
- greater access to high quality VET learning, either in school, a neighboring school or a local TAFE
Course selection in 2022
We are supporting all students in their course selections for 2022 and are providing the following advice and information to students considering a VCAL pathway.
All students and parents are encouraged to refer to the Senior School handbook located at Senior School Handbook - Lyndhurst Secondary College -
If students are studying VCAL in 2022 they will transfer into the VCE Vocational Specialisation with credit for completed VCAL subjects in 2023. In 2023, students will continue to study Senior VCAL subjects in the new certificate as part of the implementation process. At the end of 2023, these students will be awarded the VCE Vocational Specialisation if they meet the requirements.
Students who are studying Foundation VCAL over multiple years, including in 2022, will transfer into a new foundation pathways certificate in 2023 with credit for completed subjects. These students will study the new foundation subjects and graduate with the foundation pathways certificate.
This approach provides assurance and clarity to current Year 10 students some of whom will be among the first cohort to receive a VCE Vocational Specialisation certificate in 2023.
The following diagram sets out the senior secondary pathways for students commencing the VCE or VCAL in 2022.
If you would like to talk further about these changes please contact, Scott Rumble - Senior School Assistant Principal or Kate Carroll - Careers Coordinator.